Friday, October 27, 2023

Morocco Quake Adds Hardships for Farmers | TOME


The Impact of Morocco’s Earthquake on Small Farmers

Morocco’s recent devastating earthquake has left a trail of destruction, affecting not only the lives of its people but also the livelihoods of small farmers in the affected regions. Mohammed Al Moutawak, a 56-year-old farmer from the village of Ineghede, is one of many farmers who have suffered significant losses due to the earthquake. Despite the destruction, these farmers are determined to stay on their land and rebuild their lives.

Challenges for Small Farmers

For years, drought and extreme weather have posed challenges for Moroccan farmers. However, the earthquake has added a new layer of difficulties. Moutawak explains, “We thought hail was our worst enemy, but now we’ve got another.” The earthquake destroyed his village and ruined his apple harvest, which he had hoped to use to settle his debts. The loss of crops and income has left many farmers in a dire situation.

Rebuilding Lives

In the aftermath of the earthquake, the focus has shifted from search and rescue operations to rebuilding lives. In Ineghede, all bodies have been recovered, and survivors are now living in aid tents. Men are digging through the rubble to find essential items like glasses, pots, and water cans, while women sort through donated blankets and clothes. Small-scale farming plays a crucial role in these communities, providing both food and income.

Government Aid Programs

In recent years, the Moroccan government, along with donors, has implemented various aid programs to support small farmers and enhance resilience in the face of climate change. These initiatives aim to break the isolation of village life and empower women. Additionally, programs promoting water-saving drip-irrigation and the reuse of treated wastewater in agriculture have been introduced.

Water Crisis

One of the most pressing issues following the earthquake is access to water. Bouyahia, another resident of Ineghede, highlights that the irrigation sector has been severely affected, with almost all pipes destroyed. While there is still water in the wells, the flow from springs has been blocked by shifted stones. This problem is not limited to Ineghede; water networks in other areas, including Amizmiz, Moulay Brahim, and Talat Nyacoub, have also been impacted.

Rebuilding with Resilience

The upcoming reconstruction efforts will serve as a wake-up call for development workers. Hlima Razkaoui, director of the group Care Maroc, emphasizes the need to rebuild in a resilient way, with improved access to water. This presents an opportunity for communities to bounce back stronger and more prepared for future challenges.


The earthquake in Morocco has had a devastating impact on small farmers, destroying their homes and ruining their crops. However, these resilient farmers are determined to rebuild their lives and continue working on their land. With the support of government aid programs and a focus on resilience, there is hope for these communities to recover and thrive once again. Access to water remains a significant challenge, but efforts are being made to address this issue during the reconstruction process. As Morocco rebuilds, it is crucial to prioritize the needs of small farmers and ensure their long-term sustainability.

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