Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Japan’s PM Kishida relies on women to boost his fortunes | TOME


Title: Kishida’s Public Support Wanes as Concerns Mount Over Sluggish Wage Growth and Rising Cost of Living


As concerns over sluggish wage growth and the rising cost of living continue to grip the nation, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is facing a decline in public support. The government’s inability to address these pressing issues has left many citizens disillusioned and seeking change. In this article, we delve into the factors contributing to Kishida’s dwindling popularity and explore potential solutions to revive the economy and restore public confidence.

1. Sluggish Wage Growth: A Major Concern

One of the primary reasons for Kishida’s declining public support is the persistent issue of sluggish wage growth. Despite Japan’s economic recovery from the pandemic, many workers are still grappling with stagnant wages. This has resulted in a growing sense of frustration and discontent among the populace. To regain public trust, Kishida’s administration must prioritize policies that promote fair and substantial wage increases, ensuring that the benefits of economic growth are shared equitably.

2. Rising Cost of Living: Straining Households

Another significant concern plaguing the Japanese public is the rising cost of living. Inflationary pressures, coupled with increased prices for essential goods and services, have placed a heavy burden on households. As citizens struggle to make ends meet, they are increasingly questioning the government’s ability to address this issue effectively. Kishida must implement measures to alleviate the financial strain on families, such as targeted subsidies, tax relief, and initiatives to lower housing and utility costs.

3. Addressing Income Inequality

Income inequality is a critical aspect exacerbating public dissatisfaction with Kishida’s leadership. The growing disparity between the rich and the average worker has created a sense of injustice and social division. To regain public support, Kishida must prioritize policies that promote inclusive growth, such as progressive taxation, investment in education and skills training, and support for small and medium-sized enterprises. By narrowing the income gap, the government can foster a more equitable society and restore faith in its ability to address societal challenges.

4. Revitalizing Small Businesses

Small businesses are the backbone of Japan’s economy, providing employment opportunities and contributing to local communities. However, many of these enterprises have been severely impacted by the pandemic and subsequent economic downturn. Kishida’s administration must prioritize support for small businesses by offering financial assistance, streamlining bureaucratic processes, and fostering an environment conducive to entrepreneurship. By revitalizing this vital sector, the government can stimulate economic growth and create a favorable environment for job creation.

5. Investing in Innovation and Technology

To ensure long-term economic prosperity, Kishida must prioritize investment in innovation and technology. Embracing digitalization and automation can enhance productivity, create new industries, and generate employment opportunities. By fostering an environment that encourages research and development, the government can attract foreign investment and position Japan as a global leader in technological advancements. This will not only boost economic growth but also instill confidence in Kishida’s ability to steer the nation towards a prosperous future.


Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s public support has been waning due to concerns over sluggish wage growth and the rising cost of living. To regain public confidence, his administration must prioritize policies that address these pressing issues head-on. By promoting fair wage increases, alleviating the financial strain on households, tackling income inequality, revitalizing small businesses, and investing in innovation and technology, Kishida can revive the economy and restore faith in his leadership. Only through proactive measures can Japan overcome these challenges and pave the way for a brighter future for its citizens.

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