Friday, January 19, 2024

Jewish Community Divided on Israel-Palestine | TOME


The Jewish Community Rupture Over Israel-Palestine

This week on Deconstructed, Ryan Grim speaks to the filmmakers behind “Israelism,” a new documentary that explores the complex relationship between the American Jewish community and an idealized version of the state of Israel. In this episode, Grim is joined by “Israelism” co-directors Erin Axelman and Sam Eilertsen, as well as Simone Zimmerman, co-founder of the progressive Jewish organization IfNotNow.

Understanding the Unique Relationship

“Israelism” takes a narrative approach to shed light on the unique relationship that American Jews have with Israel. The film’s directors, Axelman and Eilertsen, share a similar story to the protagonists of the film, Simone Zimmerman and Eitan. Through their personal experiences and interviews with other members of the Jewish community, the filmmakers aim to explore the complexities and fractures within this relationship.

Exploring Progressive Jewish Perspectives

Simone Zimmerman, co-founder of IfNotNow, brings her perspective to the conversation. IfNotNow is a progressive Jewish organization that advocates for an end to American Jewish support for the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Zimmerman’s involvement in the film provides insight into the growing divide within the Jewish community over the Israel-Palestine conflict.

The Film’s Impact

“Israelism” offers a thought-provoking examination of the American Jewish community’s connection to Israel. By highlighting different perspectives and personal stories, the film encourages viewers to reflect on their own relationship with Israel and how it shapes their identity as Jews. The filmmakers hope that “Israelism” will spark conversations and promote a deeper understanding of this complex issue.

How to Watch

To watch “Israelism,” visit their official website at The website also provides information about upcoming screenings. Whether you are part of the Jewish community or interested in learning more about the Israel-Palestine conflict, this documentary offers a unique perspective that is worth exploring.

The Future of the Jewish Community

The conversation around Israel and Palestine continues to evolve, and the Jewish community is not exempt from this ongoing dialogue. As more progressive voices emerge within the community, it is clear that there is a rupture occurring. The film “Israelism” captures this rupture and provides a platform for discussion and reflection.


“Israelism” is a documentary that delves into the complex relationship between the American Jewish community and Israel. Through personal stories and interviews, the film explores the fractures within this relationship and the growing divide over the Israel-Palestine conflict. By watching “Israelism,” viewers can gain a deeper understanding of this issue and engage in meaningful conversations about the future of the Jewish community. Visit to watch the film and stay informed about upcoming screenings.

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