Saturday, January 13, 2024

Iowa’s Arabs and Muslims prioritize Gaza over Republican caucuses | TOME


Title: Arab American Advocates in Iowa Express Disillusionment with Republicans and President Biden


Arab American advocates in Iowa, who have long felt alienated by the Republican Party, are now facing a dilemma as they express their disillusionment with President Joe Biden as well. This growing sentiment among this community highlights the need for political parties to address the concerns and issues faced by Arab Americans. In this article, we will delve into the reasons behind this alienation and explore the challenges faced by Arab American advocates in Iowa.

1. Historical Alienation:

For years, Arab American advocates in Iowa have felt marginalized and ignored by the Republican Party. The party’s rhetoric and policies on immigration, national security, and religious freedom have often been perceived as discriminatory towards Arab Americans. This consistent alienation has led many advocates to seek alternative political affiliations or refrain from participating in the political process altogether.

2. Disappointment with President Biden:

Despite their reservations about Republicans, some Arab American advocates in Iowa are expressing their disillusionment with President Joe Biden. They argue that his administration has not done enough to address their concerns and prioritize their community’s needs. Issues such as immigration reform, racial profiling, and discrimination against Muslims remain unresolved, leading to a sense of disappointment among Arab American advocates.

3. Immigration Reform:

One of the key concerns for Arab American advocates is comprehensive immigration reform. They believe that both parties have failed to adequately address the challenges faced by immigrants, including those from Arab countries. The lack of progress on this issue has left many feeling neglected and unheard by the political establishment.

4. Racial Profiling and Discrimination:

Arab Americans continue to face racial profiling and discrimination, which has been exacerbated by policies implemented after the 9/11 attacks. Despite promises of change, advocates argue that President Biden has not taken sufficient steps to address these issues. The lack of concrete action has further eroded trust and support for the current administration.

5. Religious Freedom:

Religious freedom is another crucial concern for Arab American advocates. They argue that policies targeting Muslim communities, such as the travel ban imposed during the previous administration, have not been adequately addressed or reversed by President Biden. This failure to protect religious freedom has left many advocates feeling disillusioned and skeptical of the current administration’s commitment to their community.


The disillusionment expressed by Arab American advocates in Iowa towards both Republicans and President Joe Biden underscores the need for political parties to actively engage with and address the concerns of this community. The historical alienation experienced by Arab Americans from the Republican Party has pushed them towards seeking alternative political affiliations. However, the disappointment with President Biden’s administration highlights the urgent need for tangible action on issues such as immigration reform, racial profiling, and religious freedom.

To bridge this gap, political parties must actively listen to the concerns of Arab American advocates and work towards implementing policies that promote inclusivity, equality, and justice for all communities. Failure to do so risks further alienation and perpetuates a sense of disenfranchisement among Arab Americans in Iowa and across the nation.

It is imperative that both Republicans and Democrats recognize the importance of engaging with Arab American advocates and addressing their concerns. By doing so, they can foster a more inclusive political landscape that values the contributions and perspectives of all Americans, regardless of their ethnic or religious backgrounds. Only through genuine dialogue and meaningful action can we build a stronger and more representative democracy for all.

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