Sunday, September 8, 2024


Trump Worse Than Biden on Israel

Donald Trump and his MAGA cult of Christian nationalists would never force Israel to accept a ceasefire — or a Palestinian state.

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Wolf Blitzer’s Journalism Beginnings at AIPAC-Linked Outlets | TOME

Blitzer edited two magazines run by AIPAC’s founder that took hard-line pro-Israel stances like supporting Israeli settlements in the occupied territories.

The post Wolf Blitzer Cut His Teeth Doing Journalism for AIPAC-Linked Propaganda Outlets appeared first on The Intercept.

Israel Silences American Jewish Dissent on Palestine

“Our Palestine Question,” an explosive new book by Geoffrey Levin, delves into American Jewish McCarthyism from the 1950s through late 1970s.

The post How Israel Quietly Crushed Early American Jewish Dissent on Palestine appeared first on The Intercept.

President Biden’s Support for Genocide in Gaza | TOME

Since I last wrote to you, Mr President, I have lost another 184 members of my extended family in Gaza.

Miami Seaquarium Facing Federal Probes and Animal Health Issues

Several veterinary staff recently quit the notorious oceanarium in protest of an environment they say is unfit for animal care.

The post Federal Probes, Sick Animals, and Fed-Up Vets: The Miami Seaquarium Is on the Brink of Collapse appeared first on The Intercept.

Lumumba, CIA, and the Cold War: Fatal Neutrality | TOME

Ryan Grim speaks to Stuart Reid about his new book, “The Lumumba Plot.”

The post Fatal Neutrality: Lumumba, the CIA, and the Cold War appeared first on The Intercept.

Christiane Amanpour Confronts CNN Brass on Israel Coverage

Amanpour expressed “real distress” over Israel stories being changed, while other staffers described a climate that is hostile to Arab journalists.

The post In Internal Meeting, Christiane Amanpour Confronts CNN Brass About “Double Standards” on Israel Coverage appeared first on The Intercept.

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