Monday, March 4, 2024

Trump Worse Than Biden on Israel


The State of American Politics: Gaza, Israel, and Palestine

To understand the current state of American politics concerning Gaza, Israel, and Palestine, one only needs to look at how the House of Representatives handled the cases of Rep. Rashida Tlaib and Rep. Brian Mast. The contrasting outcomes of these cases shed light on the undeniable favoritism towards Israel over Palestinians within the American political establishment.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, a Michigan Democrat and the only Palestinian American in Congress, faced censure by the Republican-controlled House for her views on Israel and the war in Gaza. Tlaib’s censure was a symbolic act aimed at politically marginalizing any congressional support for the Palestinian people. On the other hand, Rep. Brian Mast, a Florida Republican, faced no consequences for his anti-Palestinian rhetoric, highlighting the bias in favor of Israel.

The American political establishment’s strong support for Israel over Palestinians is evident, with Republicans like Brian Mast doubling down on their anti-Palestinian sentiments without facing repercussions. Mast’s comments about Palestinian civilians being legitimate targets and his unwavering support for Israel showcase the Republican Party’s stance on the issue.

Former President Donald Trump’s affinity for war crimes, especially against Muslims, further exacerbates the situation. Trump intervened on behalf of individuals convicted of heinous acts and pardoned those responsible for killing civilians. His unwavering support for Israel and disdain for Palestinians make him a dangerous prospect if reelected to office.

The Republican Party’s alignment with Israel and hostility towards Palestinians is deeply rooted in biblical and apocalyptic beliefs. Many Republicans express their support for Israel in religious terms, with evangelical Christians playing a significant role in shaping their views. Trump’s efforts to satisfy his evangelical base by supporting Israel align with the party’s shift away from a two-state solution.

While the Biden administration has attempted to strike a balance in its approach to Israel and Palestine, internal pressure within the Democratic Party is starting to influence its stance. Vice President Kamala Harris’s call for an immediate ceasefire and renewed efforts to push for an independent Palestinian state signal a shift in policy.

In contrast, Trump and his MAGA Republicans like Brian Mast would offer unyielding support to Israel without any consideration for Palestinian rights or peace efforts. The lack of pro-Palestinian pressure within the Republican Party underscores the stark differences between the two political factions on this issue.

Ultimately, the contrasting approaches of the Biden administration and the Republican Party highlight the complex dynamics at play in American politics concerning Gaza, Israel, and Palestine. While Biden may face internal pressure to address Palestinian rights, Trump and his supporters remain steadfast in their unwavering support for Israel, regardless of the consequences for Palestinians.

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