Monday, September 16, 2024


FBI Warrantless Search Lawsuits Allowed to Proceed

A federal court swatted away the government’s motions to dismiss two cases about the FBI’s “egregious” overstep.

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Chuck Schumer’s Speech Sparks Outrage from Pro-Israel Right | TOME

Neoconservatives only hate “interference” in Israel when it means anything other than blank-check support for apartheid and slaughtering Palestinians.

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New Haitian Revolution | TOME

Rampaging gangs, deploying revolutionary rhetoric, have vowed to repel an international intervention.

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Putin’s Desperation for Election Victory

He needs an electoral mandate to continue waging an unpopular war.

Anti-Muslim Dog Whistle in India’s Citizenship Amendment Act | TOME

The CAA's main message is that Muslims do not belong to India in the same way that Hindus do. But it also goes further.

FBI Warns Gaza War Will Fuel Domestic Radicalization | TOME

The FBI is investigating “thousands” of threats related to the Israel–Hamas conflict.

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World Bank Chief Apologizes for Child Sex Abuse Scandal Handling

"Put simply, mistakes were made."

The post World Bank Chief Apologizes to Staff for Handling of Child Sex Abuse Scandal appeared first on The Intercept.

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