Saturday, July 27, 2024
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National Security

Federal Prosecutors Targeting Me to Conceal Information | TOME

If the Biden administration is serious about protecting press freedoms, officials from Washington might want to have a stern talk with federal prosecutors in Detroit.

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Pentagon Blames Russia for African Coups After Training Leaders

The U.S. has trained 15 coup leaders in recent decades — and U.S. counterterrorism policies in the region have failed.

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Guantánamo Prosecutors Accused of Misconduct for Using Torture Testimony

Government prosecutors claimed they didn't know a former detainee recanted his testimony in interviews with the government.

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U.S. Breaks Safety Guarantees to Former Guantánamo Detainee

The U.S. held Saeed Bakhouch at Guantánamo Bay for 20 years without charge, then sent him to have his rights violated in Algeria.

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Burkina Faso Military Trained by U.S. Executes 220 Civilians

A new report reveals details of the massacres by a longtime U.S. ally and counterterrorism partner.

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Burkina Faso Military Trained by U.S. Executes 220 Civilians

A new report reveals details of the massacres by a longtime U.S. ally and counterterrorism partner.

The post U.S.-Trained Burkina Faso Military Executed 220 Civilians appeared first on The Intercept.

Israel Conflict Spreads to 16 Nations, Biden Admin Denies War

Iran’s retaliatory strikes on Israel highlight an America-led regional war spanning Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and others.

The post Israel Conflict Spreads to 16 Nations as Biden Admin Says There’s No War appeared first on The Intercept.

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