Friday, October 27, 2023

What Happens if Aliens Contact Earth?


Astronomers have been searching the skies for signs of extraterrestrial life for years, with over 100 billion galaxies in our observable universe. However, if an alien civilization were to send us a message, would we even be able to decipher it? This is the question being explored in a simulation organized by the research group SETI, or Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, called “A Sign in Space.” The project is a practice run for humanity’s first contact with extraterrestrial intelligence and invites the public to join the problem-solving event via its Discord page.

The search for extraterrestrial intelligence has gained prominence in recent years due to new scientific instruments, the growth of exoplanet discoveries, and new radio telescope observatories. In this episode of The Stream, we speak with those involved in the continued search for extraterrestrial intelligence, including Daniela De Paulis, the project founder of “A Sign in Space,” Chenoa Tremblay, a researcher at SETI Institute, and Franck Marchis, a senior planetary astronomer at SETI Institute.

If scientists were to find a genuine signal from an advanced extraterrestrial civilization, it would be a groundbreaking discovery. However, it raises questions about what it would mean for humanity and who would decide if we should respond back. Despite these uncertainties, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence continues to be an area of scientific study that fascinates many.

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