Thursday, July 25, 2024

UNHCR: 45 Refugees Drown as Boat Capsizes off Yemen’s Coast | TOME


Boat Capsizes off Yemen’s Coast, Leaving Only Four Survivors

A tragic incident occurred on Wednesday night off the coast of Yemen’s Taiz, as a boat carrying at least 45 refugees capsized. The UN refugee agency in Yemen reported on Thursday that there were only four survivors. The boat’s capsizing was attributed to strong winds and overloading, according to the agency. Immediate action is being taken by the agency in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to assist the survivors and provide them with necessary protection.

Details regarding the remaining refugees on the boat have not been disclosed. This unfortunate event comes just a month after another devastating incident in which at least 49 migrants lost their lives and 140 went missing. The vessel, carrying 260 migrants from Somalia, capsized off the Yemeni coast. The IOM, responsible for keeping track of migrant fatalities and disappearances on migration routes, has recorded a total of 1,860 deaths and disappearances since 2014 along the route from East Africa and the Horn of Africa to Gulf countries.

Last year, the United Nations reported that approximately 97,000 migrants arrived in Yemen from the Horn of Africa. These migrants often undertake perilous journeys in search of better opportunities and safety. However, the treacherous conditions they face during these journeys, including overcrowded boats and harsh weather, put their lives at risk.

The incident serves as a reminder of the urgent need for increased efforts to address the challenges faced by migrants and refugees. It highlights the importance of providing safe and legal pathways for individuals seeking asylum or better lives. Additionally, it emphasizes the necessity of international cooperation and support to prevent such tragedies from occurring.

The UN refugee agency and the IOM have been actively working to address the needs of migrants and refugees in Yemen. They provide assistance, protection, and support to those who have been affected by displacement and forced migration. However, the scale of the issue requires greater attention and resources from the international community.

Efforts should focus on addressing the root causes of migration, such as conflict, poverty, and lack of opportunities in migrants’ countries of origin. By investing in development and creating sustainable livelihoods, countries can reduce the need for individuals to undertake dangerous journeys in search of a better life.

Furthermore, it is crucial to strengthen search and rescue operations in the region to ensure the safety of migrants at sea. This includes improving coordination between countries and organizations involved in these operations and increasing the availability of resources and equipment.

In addition to immediate response and preventive measures, long-term solutions are needed to address the complex challenges of migration. This includes promoting stability and peace in conflict-affected regions, addressing human rights violations, and fostering economic development.

The recent boat capsizing off Yemen’s coast is a tragic reminder of the risks faced by migrants and refugees. It underscores the need for urgent action to protect their lives and ensure their well-being. By addressing the root causes of migration, strengthening search and rescue operations, and providing support and assistance to those in need, the international community can work towards a safer and more secure future for migrants and refugees.

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