Thursday, July 18, 2024

UN condemns Israeli spokesperson’s remarks on UNRWA chief


The United Nations has condemned the recent remarks made by an Israeli government official, who referred to Phillipe Lazzarini, the head of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), as a “terrorist sympathiser.” The UN has stated that such inflammatory language not only undermines the important work being done by Lazzarini and his team but also puts his safety at risk.

Lazzarini, a Swiss national, has been leading UNRWA since April 2020, overseeing humanitarian efforts to provide assistance to Palestinian refugees in the West Bank, Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. The agency provides essential services such as education, healthcare, and social services to over 5 million registered Palestinian refugees.

The Israeli government official’s comments came after Lazzarini expressed concern over the dire humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip, where over 2 million Palestinians are living in poverty and facing severe shortages of basic necessities. In response, the official accused Lazzarini of being biased against Israel and supporting terrorist organizations.

The UN has strongly condemned these accusations, stating that they are baseless and dangerous. By labeling Lazzarini as a “terrorist sympathiser,” the Israeli government official is not only attempting to discredit his work but also putting his safety at risk. Such inflammatory rhetoric can incite violence and harassment against Lazzarini and other UN staff working in the region.

The UNRWA plays a crucial role in providing humanitarian assistance to Palestinian refugees, many of whom have been displaced multiple times due to conflicts in the region. The agency’s work is essential for ensuring the well-being and dignity of millions of vulnerable individuals and families.

Accusing Lazzarini of supporting terrorism is not only unfounded but also undermines the credibility of the UNRWA and its mission. The agency operates under strict guidelines and principles of neutrality, impartiality, and independence, and its staff are committed to providing assistance to those in need without discrimination.

The UN has called on the Israeli government to retract its statements and refrain from making further inflammatory remarks against Lazzarini and other UNRWA staff. Such attacks not only harm the reputation of the agency but also jeopardize the safety and security of its personnel on the ground.

In response to the escalating tensions, the UN has reiterated its commitment to supporting the humanitarian efforts of UNRWA and ensuring the safety of its staff. The agency’s work is more important than ever, as the humanitarian situation in the region continues to deteriorate due to ongoing conflicts and political instability.

As a neutral and impartial humanitarian organization, UNRWA relies on the support and cooperation of all parties involved to carry out its vital mission. Accusations of bias and terrorism only serve to undermine the agency’s efforts and hinder its ability to provide essential services to those in need.

In conclusion, the UN has condemned the Israeli government official’s remarks against Phillipe Lazzarini as baseless and dangerous. Such accusations not only undermine the important work of UNRWA but also put the safety and security of its staff at risk. The agency’s humanitarian efforts are crucial for providing assistance to millions of vulnerable Palestinian refugees, and it is essential that all parties respect and support its mission.

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