Sunday, February 11, 2024

The Link Between Western Narcissism and Support for Genocidal Israel | TOME


Title: The Delusional Beliefs of Civilizational Superiority: Unveiling the West’s Perspective on Gaza


The ongoing conflict in Gaza has sparked intense debates and discussions worldwide. While opinions vary, it is essential to examine the underlying beliefs that shape the Western perspective on this issue. This article delves into the delusional beliefs of civilizational superiority that often lead the West to claim it is on the right side of history in Gaza.

1. The Historical Context:

Understanding the historical context is crucial in comprehending the Western perspective on Gaza. The West, primarily Europe and the United States, has long held a sense of superiority rooted in its colonial past. This historical narrative often influences their perception of conflicts involving non-Western nations.

2. The Myth of Progress:

The West’s belief in progress and development is deeply ingrained in its cultural fabric. This notion suggests that Western societies have evolved to a higher level of civilization, while others are deemed less advanced. Consequently, this mindset leads to a biased interpretation of conflicts such as Gaza, where Western nations perceive themselves as the bearers of progress and enlightenment.

3. Selective Empathy:

Another aspect of the delusional beliefs of civilizational superiority is selective empathy. Western nations tend to empathize more with those who share their cultural, religious, or political values. This bias often results in a disproportionate focus on the suffering of their own citizens or allies, overshadowing the plight of those in Gaza.

4. Media Influence:

The media plays a significant role in shaping public opinion, and it is no different when it comes to the Western perspective on Gaza. Biased reporting and selective coverage often reinforce pre-existing beliefs of civilizational superiority. This perpetuates a one-sided narrative that portrays Western actions as justified while downplaying or ignoring the suffering of Palestinians.

5. Humanitarian Intervention:

The concept of humanitarian intervention is often used by the West to justify its involvement in conflicts worldwide. However, this notion is frequently employed selectively, with Western nations intervening only in situations that align with their geopolitical interests. This double standard further reinforces the belief that the West is on the right side of history, even when its actions may exacerbate the situation in Gaza.

6. Cultural Assimilation:

The delusional beliefs of civilizational superiority also manifest in the Western expectation of cultural assimilation. Western nations often impose their values, norms, and systems on non-Western societies, disregarding their unique cultural identities. This approach undermines the autonomy and agency of nations like Gaza, perpetuating a sense of superiority and entitlement.

7. The Need for Self-Reflection:

Recognizing and challenging these delusional beliefs is crucial for a more balanced and empathetic perspective on conflicts like Gaza. Western nations must engage in self-reflection, acknowledging their historical biases and reevaluating their role in global affairs. This introspection can pave the way for a more equitable and just approach to resolving conflicts.


The delusional beliefs of civilizational superiority have long influenced the Western perspective on conflicts such as Gaza. The historical context, the myth of progress, selective empathy, media influence, humanitarian intervention, and cultural assimilation all contribute to this distorted viewpoint. To foster a more inclusive and compassionate world, it is imperative for the West to challenge these beliefs and strive for a more balanced understanding of global conflicts. Only then can we hope to achieve lasting peace and justice for all parties involved.

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