Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Kamala Harris and the Glass Cliff Dangers


The Dangers of the “Glass Cliff” for Kamala Harris

On Sunday, President Joe Biden announced his decision to end his run for the Democratic Party presidential nomination and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris. The move came after a series of setbacks for Biden, including a disastrous debate performance against Republican nominee Donald Trump and concerns about his health following a bout of Covid. The decision to pivot to Harris at this late stage in the game is a risky gambit that sets her up as a political savior, facing a situation ripe with potential for failure.

The concept of the “glass cliff” is particularly relevant in this scenario. Coined in a 2005 research paper by British organizational psychologists Michelle K. Ryan and S. Alexander Haslam, the term refers to the phenomenon of women being promoted or hired when an organization is on the brink of failure. Women in these positions are often tasked with cleaning up the mess left by their male predecessors, facing immense pressure to turn things around while being paid less and facing greater scrutiny.

Harris, as a woman of color, embodies the challenges associated with the glass cliff. Despite her qualifications and skills, she has been thrust into the spotlight at a critical moment in the election cycle. The Democratic Party’s decision to turn to Harris as a last-minute candidate reflects a pattern seen in many organizations where women are called upon to save the day when things are on the verge of collapse.

The pressures facing Harris are immense. She must navigate her past as a prosecutor, which has drawn criticism from some progressive factions within the party. Additionally, questions remain about whether the country is ready to accept a mixed-race Black and South Asian woman as president. Harris’s perceived weaknesses, particularly on issues like immigration, make her vulnerable to attacks from the Trump campaign.

Despite these challenges, Harris has the potential to unite the Democratic Party around key issues like abortion rights and motivate supporters to get involved in the campaign. Her solid liberal record in the Senate and her ability to energize both funders and grassroots activists make her a compelling choice for Democrats looking to defeat Trump in the upcoming election.

While Harris’s candidacy represents a historic moment for women and people of color in politics, it also highlights the systemic barriers that women face when stepping into leadership roles during times of crisis. The glass cliff phenomenon underscores the need for organizations to address gender and racial disparities in leadership positions and support women leaders in navigating challenging circumstances.

As Harris prepares to take on the role of Democratic nominee, she faces a daunting task ahead. The success of her campaign will depend on her ability to harness support from across the party and overcome the obstacles that lie ahead. While the road may be difficult, Harris’s candidacy represents an opportunity for progress and change in American politics.

In conclusion, Kamala Harris’s journey from vice presidential candidate to Democratic nominee reflects the complexities of gender and race in politics. As she navigates the challenges of the glass cliff, Harris has the opportunity to make history and lead the country in a new direction. The outcome of her campaign will not only shape the future of American politics but also serve as a testament to the resilience and strength of women leaders in times of crisis.

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