Friday, October 27, 2023

Jordan foils drug smuggling on Syrian border


Title: Jordanian Troops Seize Large Quantities of Drugs at Syrian Border


In a successful operation, Jordan’s Eastern Military Zone troops intercepted a group of smugglers attempting to cross the border with Syria. The troops swiftly responded, resulting in the seizure of a significant amount of drugs. This article delves into the details of the operation, highlighting the determination of Jordan’s armed forces to protect its borders and maintain national security.

Heading 1: Jordanian Troops Thwart Drug Smuggling Attempt

Heading 2: Swift Action by Border Guard Forces

The Jordan Armed Forces — Arab Army General Command received intelligence regarding a group of smugglers attempting to cross the border from Syria. Acting swiftly, border guard forces tracked the smugglers’ movements and deployed rapid reaction patrols to intercept them.

Heading 3: Engagement and Seizure

Upon locating the smugglers, the troops applied the rules of engagement. In the ensuing confrontation, several members of the gang were shot, while others managed to escape deep into Syrian territory. Despite this, the operation was successful in seizing a significant quantity of drugs.

Heading 4: Seizure Details

During the search of the area, the troops discovered and confiscated 63,000 Captagon pills and 588 palm-sized bags of hashish. These illicit substances pose a significant threat to public health and security, making their seizure crucial for safeguarding Jordan’s communities.

Heading 5: Commitment to Border Security

The official source emphasized that the Jordan Armed Forces would respond with full force to any threats to the country’s borders and overall security and stability. This commitment underscores Jordan’s dedication to maintaining law and order within its territory and preventing illegal activities, such as drug smuggling.

Heading 6: The Dangers of Captagon and Hashish

Captagon pills, a type of amphetamine, are highly addictive stimulant drugs that can cause severe health issues and have been linked to various criminal activities. Hashish, a concentrated form of cannabis, is also associated with negative health effects and criminal involvement. The seizure of these drugs highlights the importance of preventing their distribution and use within Jordan.

Heading 7: Collaboration with International Partners

Jordan’s efforts to combat drug smuggling are not limited to its borders alone. The country actively collaborates with international partners to address the global drug trade. Sharing intelligence, coordinating operations, and exchanging best practices are essential in effectively combating this transnational issue.


The recent operation by Jordan’s Eastern Military Zone troops serves as a testament to the country’s commitment to border security and the fight against drug smuggling. The successful interception and seizure of a substantial quantity of drugs demonstrate the effectiveness of Jordan’s armed forces in safeguarding its communities and maintaining national security.

By promptly responding to threats and collaborating with international partners, Jordan continues to strengthen its position in combating the global drug trade. The seizure of Captagon pills and hashish not only prevents their distribution within Jordan but also contributes to the overall efforts in reducing drug-related crimes and protecting public health.

As Jordan remains vigilant in protecting its borders, it sends a clear message that any attempts to compromise the country’s security will be met with resolute force. The dedication and determination of Jordan’s armed forces serve as a source of reassurance for its citizens, ensuring a safer and more secure future for all.

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