Monday, February 26, 2024

Israel’s Occupation of Palestine: Will it Ever End?


The Dehumanization of Palestinians: A Perspective from Gideon Levy

With the war in Gaza entering its sixth month, the question on many minds is whether there is an end in sight to the Israeli occupation of Palestine. One thing that is certain is the policy of dehumanization that Israel employs towards Palestinians to justify its occupation. Gideon Levy, a renowned Israeli journalist with over four decades of experience covering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for Haaretz, sheds light on this issue.

Dehumanization as a Tool for Occupation

Levy asserts that Israel has systematically dehumanized and demonized Palestinians from its inception to perpetuate its occupation. He points out that Israel is adept at manipulating propaganda and brainwashing on a global scale, presenting itself as a victim despite being the only occupier in history to do so. This narrative of victimhood serves to justify Israel’s actions in the eyes of the world.

The Toll of the Conflict

The recent escalation of violence in Gaza following an attack by Hamas in southern Israel has resulted in a significant loss of life, with thousands of Palestinians, including women and children, falling victim to Israel’s retaliatory offensive. Arab countries, led by Saudi Arabia, have been pressuring Israel to agree to a ceasefire and work towards a resolution that includes the establishment of a Palestinian state. However, Levy remains skeptical about the willingness of Israeli leaders, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to end the occupation.

The Quest for Normalization

In the wake of the Abraham Accords, which saw Israel normalize relations with the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco, and Sudan without addressing the Palestinian issue, Israeli politicians may be hoping for a similar outcome with other Arab states. However, Levy believes that true normalization cannot be achieved without addressing the root cause of the conflict – the occupation.

A Call for Justice

Levy emphasizes the need for justice for the Palestinian people over a mere pursuit of peace. He advocates for equal rights for all citizens in a one-state solution, challenging the notion of a two-state solution given the realities on the ground. He warns that without justice, peace will remain elusive.

The Role of Leadership

As Palestinians continue to suffer under Israeli bombardment, there is growing disillusionment with their own leadership. Calls for reform and new leadership have emerged, with Levy suggesting that jailed Palestinian dissident Marwan Barghouti could be a unifying figure for the Palestinian people. However, he acknowledges the challenges in achieving consensus among various factions.

Confronting Racism and Dehumanization

Levy highlights the role of racism and dehumanization in shaping Israeli attitudes towards Palestinians. He criticizes the Israeli media for failing to cover the suffering of Gaza and perpetuating negative stereotypes. The lack of direct contact between Israelis and Palestinians has further fueled mistrust and animosity, particularly in the aftermath of recent attacks.

Moving Forward

As the conflict continues to unfold, it is clear that a lasting solution requires a fundamental shift in attitudes and policies. Levy’s insights shed light on the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and underscore the urgent need for justice and equality for all involved. Only through a commitment to human rights and dignity can a path towards peace be forged.

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