Sunday, February 25, 2024

Sudan’s Economy Suffers from War | TOME


The Economic Collapse of Sudan: A Story of Devastation

The devastating impact of the ongoing conflict in Sudan has left a trail of economic destruction in its wake. Ahmed, a gum arabic trader, is just one of many Sudanese citizens who have seen their livelihoods crumble as a result of the war between rival generals that began last year.

Ahmed used to sell gum arabic, a vital ingredient for global industry, but now finds himself out of business. The war has made it nearly impossible for him to conduct his trade, as he has been forced to navigate through checkpoints controlled by paramilitary forces and government authorities, all demanding exorbitant fees and taxes.

The collapse of Sudan’s economy is evident in the sharp decline in international trade, with a 23 percent decrease reported last year. The government’s decision to raise the exchange rate for imports and exports has done little to stabilize the situation, as the country’s currency continues to plummet in value on the black market.

The communication blackout that began in early February has further exacerbated the economic crisis, making online transactions nearly impossible. Industries have ceased production, businesses have been looted, and food stocks have been depleted, leaving many Sudanese struggling to survive.

The World Bank has warned that the destruction of Sudan’s economic foundations has set the country’s development back by several decades. The International Monetary Fund predicts that even after the fighting ends, years of reconstruction will be needed to rebuild the shattered economy.

Sudan’s agricultural sector, which once played a crucial role in the country’s economy, has been decimated by the war. More than 60 percent of the nation’s agricultural land is now out of commission, leaving farmers unable to tend their crops and forcing many to abandon their livelihoods.

The story of Ahmed and his gum arabic warehouse is a poignant example of the widespread devastation caused by the conflict in Sudan. His savings depleted, his stock gone, and his future uncertain, Ahmed is just one of many Sudanese business owners who have been forced to close up shop.

As the war continues to ravage Sudan, aid agencies warn of an impending famine, with reports of people dying of starvation already emerging. The United Nations estimates that more than half of the population is in need of humanitarian aid to survive, highlighting the urgent need for international assistance to alleviate the suffering of the Sudanese people.

The road to recovery for Sudan will be long and arduous, with years of reconstruction ahead. The international community must step up to support the country in rebuilding its shattered economy and providing much-needed assistance to those affected by the conflict.

The story of Ahmed and the economic collapse of Sudan serves as a stark reminder of the devastating human cost of war and the urgent need for peace and stability in the region. Only through concerted international efforts can Sudan hope to overcome the challenges it faces and rebuild a brighter future for its people.

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