Sunday, February 18, 2024

Indonesia State Apparatus Prepares to Elect Notorious General | TOME


Indonesia on the Brink of Return to Army Rule Under General Prabowo Subianto

Indonesia, a country with a history marred by epic slaughters, is facing the looming threat of a return to army rule at the hands of General Prabowo Subianto. Prabowo, a figure implicated in the country’s massacres and known for his authoritarian tendencies, is a serious contender in the upcoming presidential election.

A Troubled Past

Prabowo, a former U.S. protégé and son-in-law of the late dictator Gen. Suharto, has a dark past that includes involvement in massacres and human rights abuses. His ties to the U.S. military and his role in carrying out atrocities have raised concerns about his candidacy.

The State Apparatus at Play

The current president, Joko Widodo, known as Jokowi, has thrown his support behind Prabowo, mobilizing state resources to bolster his campaign. Reports of coercion and manipulation by government officials to secure votes for Prabowo have raised questions about the integrity of the electoral process.

A Return to Despotic Rule?

With Prabowo’s close ties to the military and reports of plans for electoral fraud, there are fears that Indonesia’s hard-won democracy may be at risk. The use of state resources to influence the election outcome could undermine the democratic process and pave the way for authoritarian rule.

From Massacres to Political Maneuvering

Prabowo’s journey from orchestrating massacres to presenting himself as a cuddly cartoon character in his campaign ads is a stark reminder of the complexities of Indonesian politics. His past actions, including involvement in anti-Chinese riots and support for coup movements, paint a troubling picture of his leadership style.

Jokowi’s Reversal

The unexpected alliance between Jokowi and Prabowo highlights the shifting dynamics of Indonesian politics. Jokowi’s decision to embrace Prabowo, despite their past rivalry and differences, has raised concerns among human rights advocates and survivors of past atrocities.

Oligarchs and Power Play

The acceptance of Prabowo by Indonesia’s oligarchs, including influential figures like Tomy Winata, underscores the complex web of interests at play in the country’s political landscape. The role of powerful elites in shaping the electoral outcome raises questions about whose interests will ultimately be served by the next administration.

Looking Ahead

As Indonesia stands on the brink of a pivotal election, the stakes are high for its democratic future. The choice between a return to authoritarian rule under Prabowo or a continuation of democratic governance will have far-reaching implications for the country’s trajectory. The international community will be closely watching the outcome of the election and its implications for Indonesia’s future.

In conclusion, Indonesia’s upcoming election represents a critical juncture in its history, with the potential for significant consequences. The specter of army rule under General Prabowo Subianto looms large, raising concerns about the future of democracy in the country. As voters prepare to cast their ballots, the world watches with bated breath to see which path Indonesia will choose.

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