Friday, September 20, 2024


Federal Prosecutors Targeting Me to Conceal Information | TOME

If the Biden administration is serious about protecting press freedoms, officials from Washington might want to have a stern talk with federal prosecutors in Detroit.

The post Federal Prosecutors Attacked Me for My Reporting — and They’re Doing It to Hide Info From the Public appeared first on The Intercept.

Israeli Doctors Accused of Torture: Action Needed | TOME

Israeli physicians risk becoming, or may already be, complicit in torture and ill-treatment of detained Palestinians.

Air Force Engineer Resigns in Protest Against Gaza War as Dissent Grows Within Military | TOME

“I don’t want to be working on something that can turn around and be used to slaughter innocent people."

The post “Utterly Dismayed”: Air Force Engineer Resigns as Dissent Against Gaza War Slowly Spreads Within Military appeared first on The Intercept.

Columbia Task Force Confirms: Anti-Zionism is Antisemitism

The task force revealed its plans not in a communiqué to faculty and students — but instead in an Israeli newspaper article.

The post Columbia Task Force Finally Weighs In: Yes, Anti-Zionism Is Antisemitism appeared first on The Intercept.

Australia should recognize Palestine for peace

Such a move would support the peace efforts, not undermine them, as some have argued.

“Tent Massacre Survivors in Rafah Face Another Israeli Attack”

“I felt helpless watching my family dying and not able to help them. It is a nightmare that I will never wake up from.”

The post These “Tent Massacre” Survivors Couldn’t Afford to Leave Rafah. The Next Israeli Attack Nearly Wiped Their Family Out. appeared first on The Intercept.

GOP States Increase Efforts to Fight Medication Abortion After Supreme Court Ruling | TOME

From the jump, the lawsuit challenging the legality of mifepristone was a cynical, propagandistic endeavor. In a 9-0 opinion, the Supreme Court threw it out.

The post GOP States Double Down on Fighting Medication Abortion After Supreme Court Keeps It Legal appeared first on The Intercept.

Must read