Thursday, September 19, 2024


62 Democrats and 207 Republicans Vote to Conceal Gaza Death Toll

Democratic leaders did not tell members to vote against an amendment to block the State Department from citing the Gaza Health Ministry’s statistics.

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Tadmur Prison Massacre: 44 Years Later | TOME

On June 27, 1980, in under an hour, the Assad regime killed some 1,000 political prisoners at the infamous prison.

Progressives Slam AIPAC for Buying Election

Despite the various factors that contributed to Bowman's loss, progressive strategists said there was one clear takeaway from the results.

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Oklahoma to Execute Another Man Proclaiming Innocence | TOME

Richard Rojem’s death sentence was twice overturned by appellate courts, but his conviction itself has never been fully revisited.

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Red Crescent: Israel Did Not Contact About Hind Rajab’s Death, Contrary to State Department Claim | TOME

When asked about Hind’s killing, the U.S. said that, according to Israel, the Palestine Red Crescent Society and U.N. have not helped investigate.

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Democratic Leaders’ Weak Attempt to Protect Jamaal Bowman from AIPAC | TOME

Once upon a time, top Democrats went all in on protecting incumbents. With AIPAC’s attacks on Squad members, they’re less involved.

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Israeli Tanks Fire at AFP Gaza Bureau | TOME

Israel denied the attack, but a four-month investigation shows the office came under direct tank fire.

The post The Day Israeli Tanks Fired Directly at AFP’s Gaza Bureau appeared first on The Intercept.

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