Monday, September 16, 2024
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National Security

Three Congress Members Urge Pentagon to Compensate Somali Family

“We can’t take away the pain and suffering felt by this family, but the fact that we haven’t even tried is awful,” Rep. Jim McGovern told The Intercept.

The post Three More Members of Congress Call on Pentagon to Make Amends to Somali Family appeared first on The Intercept.

Biden Funds Israel’s War Amid US Financial Struggles | TOME

The president has prioritized military spending over helping American families cover the rising costs of child care.

The post Biden Is Bankrolling Israel’s War Amid Growing Financial Hardship at Home appeared first on The Intercept.

Aaron Bushnell’s Disillusionment with Military Led to Self-Immolation for Palestine | TOME

“I have been complicit in the violent domination of the world and I will never get the blood off my hands.”

The post Aaron Bushnell, Who Self-Immolated for Palestine, Had Grown Deeply Disillusioned With the Military appeared first on The Intercept.

“Secret Drone Base in Jordan Where 3 U.S. Troops Died”

The Pentagon is covering up the real purpose of Tower 22: targeting the very Iran-backed militant groups that attacked last month.

The post “Logistics” Outpost in Jordan Where 3 U.S. Troops Died Is Secretly a Drone Base appeared first on The Intercept.

White House’s False Claim: Iraq Was Warned of Airstrikes

The National Security Council walked back White House spokesperson John Kirby’s statement last week that Iraq had advance notice of the strikes.

The post White House Falsely Declared It Warned Iraq of Impending Airstrikes appeared first on The Intercept.

Rep. Jacobs Urges Pentagon to Compensate Drone Strike Victims’ Family | TOME

Despite admitting the U.S. killed civilians in a 2018 attack in Somalia, the Pentagon has neither apologized nor offered compensation.

The post Rep. Sara Jacobs Urges Pentagon to Make Amends to Family of Drone Strike Victims appeared first on The Intercept.

Free Speech Advocates Argue Banning Sanctioned Speakers Limits Ideas | TOME

“The question at the core of the case is what control the U.S. government has over the American mind.”

The post Barring Speakers Under U.S. Sanctions Puts Ideas Off-Limits, Say Free Speech Advocates appeared first on The Intercept.

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