Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Analyzing Modi Government’s Claims | TOME


India has made significant strides in both foreign policy and economic policy over the past decade, positioning itself as a key player on the global stage. From forging new partnerships with countries around the world to implementing bold economic reforms, India has demonstrated its commitment to growth and development.

Foreign Policy:

India’s foreign policy has evolved significantly over the past decade, with a focus on strengthening diplomatic ties with countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas. One of the key pillars of India’s foreign policy has been its “Act East” policy, aimed at deepening engagement with countries in East Asia. This has led to the signing of several strategic partnerships and free trade agreements with countries such as Japan, South Korea, and Singapore.

India has also made significant efforts to strengthen its ties with the United States, with both countries signing the historic Indo-US nuclear deal in 2008. This agreement paved the way for increased cooperation in areas such as defense, trade, and technology transfer. In addition, India has worked closely with other major powers such as Russia and the European Union to enhance its global standing.

Economic Policy:

On the economic front, India has implemented several key reforms aimed at boosting growth and attracting foreign investment. One of the most significant reforms was the introduction of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in 2017, which replaced a complex system of state and central taxes with a single, unified tax regime. This move has helped streamline the tax system and boost tax revenues, making India a more attractive destination for investors.

India has also taken steps to liberalize its economy and open up key sectors such as defense, insurance, and retail to foreign investment. This has led to increased foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows into the country, with India emerging as one of the top destinations for FDI in the world.

In addition, India has focused on improving its infrastructure and connectivity, with initiatives such as the “Make in India” campaign aimed at promoting domestic manufacturing and creating jobs. The government has also launched ambitious projects such as the Sagarmala project to modernize ports and the Bharatmala project to upgrade road infrastructure.


Despite these achievements, India still faces several challenges on both the foreign policy and economic policy fronts. One of the key challenges is the ongoing border dispute with China, which has strained relations between the two countries. India also faces security threats from terrorist groups operating in neighboring countries, which pose a threat to regional stability.

On the economic front, India continues to grapple with issues such as high inflation, unemployment, and a large informal sector. The country also faces challenges in terms of infrastructure development, with inadequate road and rail networks hindering economic growth.

Looking Ahead:

As India looks ahead to the next decade, it will need to continue its efforts to strengthen its foreign policy and economic policy frameworks. This will require a focus on building stronger partnerships with key countries around the world, as well as implementing further reforms to boost growth and attract investment.

By addressing these challenges head-on and capitalizing on its strengths, India can position itself as a leading player on the global stage in the years to come. With a young and dynamic population, a growing economy, and a strategic location in Asia, India has the potential to emerge as a key player in shaping the future of the world.

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