Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Yemen Harbor Receives Initial Ships Following Israeli Strike: Houthi Media


Container Ships Dock at Yemen’s Hodeida Harbor Despite Israeli Strike

Two container ships have successfully docked at Yemen’s Hodeida harbor, marking the first arrivals since a deadly Israeli strike hit fuel storage tanks at the militant-held port. The strikes, which occurred on Saturday, were the first claimed by Israel on Yemen and resulted in a massive blaze that burned for days at the dock. Despite slow firefighting efforts, the port of Hodeida is now operating normally and receiving commercial ships.

The Israeli strike on the fuel storage tanks destroyed cranes and dozens of oil tanks, causing significant damage to the port. However, the quays of Hodeida were spared major destruction, allowing the port to resume its operations. Hodeida is a critical gateway for fuel imports and humanitarian aid into Houthi-held areas, making its functioning crucial for the well-being of the local population.

According to Ahmed Al-Murtada, the deputy director of the container terminal, the port of Hodeida is working around the clock to receive commercial ships. He assured that despite the ongoing threat, the port is operating normally. Mohamed Al-Sais, the port’s director of maritime operations, confirmed that two ships had docked at the harbor on Tuesday. The vessels were identified as “Marsa Zenith,” carrying 514 containers of various goods, and “Brother 1,” loaded with 22,803 tons of iron.

Ship tracking website also confirmed the arrival of the two ships. Marsa Zenith, a Panama-flagged vessel, departed from the port of Djibouti, while Brother 1, flagged by Tanzania, also sailed from Djibouti. The successful docking of these ships indicates that despite the recent attack, maritime activities at Hodeida harbor are gradually returning to normal.

While the port is now operational, concerns remain about the risk of another catastrophe. Yemeni rights group Mwatana for Human Rights dispatched an assessment team to the dock and reported that the risk of more fuel tanks exploding still remains. The firefighting teams have faced challenges in extinguishing the fires, as the explosions and flames reignite whenever they attempt to control the situation. Mwatana expressed major concerns that the teams may not be able to prevent another explosion, highlighting the ongoing risks faced by the port.

The Israeli strike on Hodeida harbor has further exacerbated the humanitarian crisis in Yemen. The country has been embroiled in a devastating civil war since 2014, with the Houthi rebels controlling Hodeida and other key areas. The conflict has resulted in widespread famine, disease outbreaks, and displacement of millions of people. The port of Hodeida plays a vital role in providing essential supplies and aid to the war-torn nation.

Efforts are underway to address the damage caused by the Israeli strike and ensure the safety of the port. The international community has called for an immediate ceasefire and a political solution to the conflict in Yemen. The United Nations and humanitarian organizations are working tirelessly to provide assistance to the affected population and alleviate their suffering.

As container ships continue to dock at Hodeida harbor, it is hoped that the port’s operations will gradually return to normal. The arrival of goods and aid is crucial for the people of Yemen, who are in desperate need of support. The international community must continue to prioritize the resolution of the conflict and the provision of humanitarian assistance to alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people.

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