Saturday, September 7, 2024

US Economy’s Impact on Presidential Election | TOME


Title: Kamala Harris and Donald Trump: Promising Strong Economic Policies for America’s Future


As the 2020 presidential election approaches, the candidates are making their case for why they are the best choice to lead America’s economic recovery. Both Kamala Harris and Donald Trump have outlined their plans to bolster the economy, create jobs, and ensure a prosperous future for the nation. In this article, we will delve into the economic policies proposed by these two candidates and analyze their potential impact on the American economy.

Kamala Harris: Building a Strong and Inclusive Economy

1. Investing in Infrastructure:

Kamala Harris emphasizes the importance of investing in America’s crumbling infrastructure. She plans to allocate substantial funds towards rebuilding roads, bridges, and public transportation systems. This investment not only creates jobs but also enhances the efficiency of transportation networks, facilitating economic growth across the country.

2. Supporting Small Businesses:

Recognizing the vital role small businesses play in the economy, Harris proposes providing tax credits and access to affordable loans to help them thrive. By reducing the burden of regulations and offering financial assistance, she aims to foster innovation, entrepreneurship, and job creation within local communities.

3. Expanding Access to Education and Job Training:

Harris believes that education is the key to economic success. Her plan includes making community college tuition-free and expanding access to vocational training programs. By equipping individuals with the necessary skills, she aims to bridge the skills gap and ensure a well-prepared workforce for the jobs of the future.

Donald Trump: Prioritizing Economic Growth and Trade

1. Tax Cuts and Deregulation:

Donald Trump’s economic policy centers around tax cuts and deregulation. He aims to reduce the tax burden on businesses and individuals, fostering economic growth and job creation. Additionally, he plans to eliminate unnecessary regulations that hinder businesses, allowing them to thrive and innovate.

2. Trade Policies:

Trump has taken a protectionist stance on trade, prioritizing American interests. He has imposed tariffs on imported goods, particularly from China, to protect domestic industries and address trade imbalances. While this approach aims to safeguard American jobs, it has also sparked concerns about potential trade wars and increased costs for consumers.

3. Energy Independence:

Trump has emphasized the importance of energy independence, particularly through the promotion of domestic oil and gas production. By reducing reliance on foreign energy sources, he aims to create jobs within the energy sector and enhance national security.


Both Kamala Harris and Donald Trump have put forth their economic plans to steer America towards a prosperous future. Harris focuses on investing in infrastructure, supporting small businesses, and expanding access to education and job training. On the other hand, Trump prioritizes tax cuts, deregulation, trade policies, and energy independence. As voters evaluate these policies, they must consider the potential benefits and drawbacks of each candidate’s approach. Ultimately, the choice will determine the direction of America’s economic recovery and its ability to navigate the challenges of the post-pandemic world.

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