Wednesday, May 29, 2024

UN Security Council Boosts Gaza Aid After US Abstains | TOME


The United Nations Security Council has approved a resolution to boost humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip and called for urgent steps to create conditions for a sustainable cessation of hostilities. The resolution, drafted by the United Arab Emirates, was adopted after negotiations to avoid a veto by the United States. The US abstained from voting, allowing the resolution to pass. However, Russia also abstained, expressing frustration over the weakening of language on a cessation of hostilities.

The resolution aims to address the rising death toll and worsening humanitarian crisis in Gaza, which has been under attack for 11 weeks in a war between Israel and Hamas. The resolution no longer dilutes Israel’s control over aid deliveries to Gaza, but it does call for immediate and expanded humanitarian access. The initial draft had called for an urgent and sustainable cessation of hostilities to allow aid access.

Earlier this month, the UN General Assembly demanded a humanitarian cease-fire, but it was vetoed by the United States in the Security Council. The US and Israel oppose a cease-fire, believing it would only benefit Hamas. Instead, they support pauses in fighting to protect civilians and free hostages taken by Hamas.

The United States’ abstention in this vote is significant as it traditionally shields Israel from UN action. Last month, the US also abstained to allow the Security Council to call for urgent and extended humanitarian pauses in fighting. This came after four unsuccessful attempts to take action. The US has already vetoed Security Council action twice since an attack by Hamas militants on October 7th.

Israel has retaliated against Hamas by bombarding Gaza from the air, imposing a siege, and launching a ground offensive. The conflict has resulted in the deaths of around 20,000 Palestinians, according to health officials in Gaza. Most people in Gaza have been displaced from their homes, and there are concerns of a humanitarian catastrophe. The World Food Programme reports that half of Gaza’s population is starving, and only 10 percent of the required food has entered Gaza since October 7th.

One of the key sticking points during negotiations was the establishment of a mechanism to monitor aid from countries not involved in the conflict. The initial proposal called for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to establish this mechanism in Gaza. However, a compromise was reached, and Guterres will instead appoint a senior humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator to establish a UN mechanism for accelerating aid to Gaza through non-conflict parties. This coordinator will also be responsible for facilitating, coordinating, monitoring, and verifying the humanitarian nature of all aid.

The Security Council resolution also calls for all parties to adhere to international humanitarian law and condemns attacks against civilians and civilian objects, as well as acts of terrorism.

The adoption of this resolution is a significant step towards addressing the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. It provides a framework for increased humanitarian access and calls for a sustainable cessation of hostilities. However, concerns remain over the weakening of language on a cessation of hostilities and the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. The international community must continue to work towards a lasting solution that prioritizes the well-being and safety of the people in Gaza.

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