Sunday, October 29, 2023

Sudan’s War: Result of a Derailment in Transition | TOME


Sudan’s Transition: A Missed Opportunity for Economic Stability and Democratic Elections

Sudan, a country plagued by decades of political instability and economic turmoil, embarked on a transition period after the ousting of former President Omar al-Bashir in April 2019. The hopes were high that this transition would bring about much-needed stability and pave the way for democratic elections. However, it seems that the focus of the transition has been misplaced, with an overemphasis on dismantling the previous regime rather than stabilizing the economy and convening elections.

One of the key challenges facing Sudan is its struggling economy. Years of mismanagement, corruption, and economic sanctions have left the country in dire straits. The transition period presented an opportunity to address these economic issues head-on and implement reforms that would set Sudan on a path to economic recovery. However, little progress has been made in this regard.

Instead of focusing on stabilizing the economy, the transitional government has been preoccupied with dismantling the previous regime and bringing its members to justice. While accountability is important, it should not come at the expense of economic stability. The government’s efforts would have been better spent on implementing economic reforms, attracting foreign investment, and creating job opportunities for the Sudanese people.

Another missed opportunity during this transition period is the delay in convening democratic elections. Democratic elections are a crucial component of any successful transition to democracy. They provide an opportunity for the people to choose their leaders and hold them accountable. However, more than two years into the transition, Sudan is yet to hold elections.

The delay in convening elections raises concerns about the commitment of the transitional government to a democratic process. It also undermines the legitimacy of the government and leaves room for speculation about its intentions. To ensure a smooth and successful transition, it is imperative that democratic elections be held as soon as possible.

Furthermore, the focus on dismantling the previous regime has resulted in a lack of attention to other pressing issues, such as human rights abuses and the ongoing conflicts in certain regions of the country. While it is important to hold those responsible for human rights violations accountable, it should not overshadow the need to address the root causes of these conflicts and work towards a lasting peace.

Sudan is a diverse country with various ethnic and religious groups, each with its own grievances and aspirations. The transition period should have provided an opportunity for dialogue and reconciliation, fostering a sense of unity among the Sudanese people. Unfortunately, the focus on dismantling the regime has only deepened divisions and hindered efforts towards national reconciliation.

In order to salvage the transition period and set Sudan on a path to stability and democracy, it is crucial that the government shifts its focus. Economic stability should be prioritized, with a focus on implementing reforms that attract investment, create jobs, and alleviate poverty. Additionally, convening democratic elections should be a top priority, as it will provide a legitimate and accountable government that represents the will of the Sudanese people.

The transitional government must also address the ongoing conflicts and human rights abuses in the country. This requires a comprehensive approach that includes dialogue, reconciliation, and justice for all parties involved. Only through addressing these issues can Sudan hope to achieve lasting peace and stability.

In conclusion, Sudan’s transition period has been marred by a misplaced focus on dismantling the previous regime rather than stabilizing the economy and convening democratic elections. This approach has hindered progress and undermined the legitimacy of the government. To ensure a successful transition, Sudan must prioritize economic stability, democratic elections, and reconciliation among its diverse population. Only then can Sudan hope to overcome its challenges and build a prosperous and democratic future.

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