Saturday, October 28, 2023

Soros Empire to be Passed to Son Alexander


George Soros, the billionaire hedge fund manager turned philanthropist, has announced that he will be handing over control of his $25bn philanthropic and financial empire to his son, Alexander. The Open Society Foundations (OSF), which is active in more than 120 countries and channels about $1.5bn annually towards strengthening civil society, advancing human rights, and combating corruption, will now be led by Alex. The younger Soros is known to be more political than his father and plans to continue donating family money to left-leaning political candidates in the United States. He also intends to broaden the foundation’s priorities from his father’s “liberal aims” to include voting and abortion rights as well as gender equity.

The OSF was founded by George Soros in 1979, and since then, it has been a major backer of liberal and democratic causes. The foundation has been involved in a wide range of activities, including supporting independent cultural groups, funding academic visits to the West, and creating the Central European University in Budapest after the fall of the Berlin Wall. The OSF also supports organizations such as Global Witness and the International Crisis Group, which work towards strengthening civil society, advancing human rights, and combating corruption.

George Soros has long been a target of right-wing and anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists in the United States, his native Hungary, and elsewhere. In 2018, the OSF closed its Budapest office and moved the Central European University to Vienna after a “Stop Soros” campaign led by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and his Fidesz party.

Despite his success as a financier and philanthropist, Soros has faced criticism from some quarters for his political activities. He has been accused of using his wealth to influence politics in various countries, including the United States. However, Soros has always maintained that his political activities are aimed at promoting democracy and human rights.

Alex Soros, who is now in charge of the OSF, has said that he plans to continue his father’s legacy of promoting liberal and democratic causes. He has also stated that he will broaden the foundation’s priorities to include issues such as voting and abortion rights as well as gender equity. Alex has been involved in his father’s philanthropic work for many years and is known to be passionate about social justice issues.

The decision to hand over control of the OSF to Alex has been met with mixed reactions. Some have praised George Soros for his philanthropic work and for his decision to pass on control of the foundation to his son. Others have criticized Soros for his political activities and have expressed concern about the influence that the OSF could wield under Alex’s leadership.

Despite the controversy surrounding George Soros and the OSF, there is no denying the impact that the foundation has had on civil society, human rights, and democracy around the world. The OSF has been instrumental in supporting independent media, promoting freedom of expression, and combating corruption. It has also played a key role in supporting civil society organizations in countries where democracy is under threat.

As Alex Soros takes over the reins of the OSF, it remains to be seen how he will steer the foundation in the years to come. However, one thing is clear: the OSF will continue to be a major player in the world of philanthropy and will continue to work towards promoting liberal and democratic causes around the world.

In conclusion, George Soros has announced that he will be handing over control of his $25bn philanthropic and financial empire to his son, Alexander. The younger Soros is known to be more political than his father and plans to continue donating family money to left-leaning political candidates in the United States. He also intends to broaden the foundation’s priorities from his father’s “liberal aims” to include voting and abortion rights as well as gender equity. Despite the controversy surrounding George Soros and the OSF, there is no denying the impact that the foundation has had on civil society, human rights, and democracy around the world. As Alex Soros takes over the reins of the OSF, it remains to be seen how he will steer the foundation in the years to come.

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