Monday, July 29, 2024

Sexual Violence Rampant in Sudan’s War-Torn Capital, Says Human Rights Watch


Sudan’s Warring Parties Commit Widespread Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls, Says Human Rights Watch

A new report by Human Rights Watch (HRW) titled “Khartoum is Not Safe for Women” reveals the alarming extent of sexual violence against women and girls in Sudan. The report documents testimonies from 42 healthcare workers and first responders who have witnessed and treated survivors of sexual violence since the outbreak of war in April 2023 between the Sudanese army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF).

According to the report, between April 2023 and February 2024, 18 healthcare providers alone treated a total of 262 survivors of sexual violence in greater Khartoum, which includes the city of Omdurman. However, this number is believed to be just a fraction of the actual cases, as many survivors are unable or unwilling to seek emergency care.

The RSF has been identified as the primary perpetrator of sexual violence, with reports of rape, gang rape, and forced marriages in residential areas of Sudan’s capital. The armed group has terrorized women and girls, while both warring parties have blocked them from accessing aid and support services, leaving them feeling unsafe and vulnerable.

The report also highlights conditions that could amount to sexual slavery. While the RSF has been primarily responsible for sexual violence, there have also been reports of such acts committed by army soldiers. HRW notes an increase in reported cases since the army took control of Omdurman in early 2024.

Survivors of sexual assault in Sudan have reported debilitating physical injuries, including those caused by multiple attackers. Shockingly, at least four women treated by healthcare workers mentioned in the report have died as a result of their injuries. Women who become pregnant as a result of assault face limited access to abortion care and are at risk of further violence and social repercussions, including abandonment by their families.

The army’s effective siege on RSF-controlled areas has severely restricted access to medical and humanitarian relief supplies for over a year. As a result, local volunteers in emergency response rooms have played a crucial role in responding to sexual violence. However, these volunteers themselves have been targeted by both sides, with RSF fighters committing sexual violence against them.

HRW categorizes the RSF’s widespread sexual violence as war crimes and crimes against humanity, while attacks on healthcare are considered war crimes. The organization calls on the African Union and the United Nations to urgently deploy a civilian protection force in Sudan to address these grave human rights violations.

The war in Sudan has claimed the lives of tens of thousands of people across the country, with some estimates suggesting a death toll as high as 150,000. It has also resulted in the world’s largest displacement crisis, with over 10.7 million people displaced within Sudan and over 2 million more fleeing across borders. The situation is further exacerbated by the looming threat of famine.

The findings of the HRW report shed light on the urgent need for international intervention to protect the rights and safety of women and girls in Sudan. The international community must take immediate action to address the ongoing atrocities and ensure that survivors of sexual violence have access to the necessary medical and support services. Only through concerted efforts can Sudan move towards a future where women and girls are free from the horrors of sexual violence and can rebuild their lives with dignity and security.

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