Friday, February 9, 2024

Russian Orthodox Church Supports Putin: What’s the Price?


The Russian Orthodox Church has long been a powerful institution in Russia, with its head serving as the spiritual leader of the country. However, recent events have raised concerns about the church’s global clout and its relationship with the president.

The head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, has been a close ally of President Vladimir Putin for many years. Their relationship has been mutually beneficial, with the church receiving support and protection from the government, and the president gaining legitimacy and moral authority from his association with the church.

However, this close relationship has also come at a cost. The church’s alignment with the government has led to accusations of corruption and political interference. Critics argue that the church has become too closely tied to the state, compromising its independence and moral authority.

One of the most significant challenges facing the Russian Orthodox Church is its declining influence on the global stage. While it remains a powerful institution within Russia, its influence abroad has waned in recent years. This is partly due to the church’s association with the Russian government, which has been increasingly isolated on the world stage due to its aggressive foreign policy and human rights abuses.

The church’s close ties to the government have also made it a target of international sanctions. In 2018, the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, considered the “first among equals” in the Orthodox Christian world, granted independence to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which had previously been under the jurisdiction of the Russian Orthodox Church. This move was seen as a blow to the Russian church’s authority and further weakened its global standing.

Another factor contributing to the church’s declining influence is its conservative stance on social issues. While this appeals to some traditionalist factions within Russia, it has alienated many in the international community who view the church as out of touch with modern values. The church’s opposition to LGBTQ+ rights, for example, has drawn criticism from human rights organizations and Western governments.

To regain its global clout, the Russian Orthodox Church will need to address these challenges. One possible avenue for doing so is to distance itself from the government and assert its independence. This would require the church to take a more critical stance towards the government’s actions and policies, which could be risky given the current political climate in Russia.

Another strategy could be for the church to engage more actively with the international community and promote dialogue and understanding. By reaching out to other religious leaders and organizations, the church could demonstrate its commitment to peace and cooperation, potentially rebuilding its reputation on the global stage.

Additionally, the church could consider adopting a more progressive stance on social issues. This would require a careful balancing act, as the church would need to navigate the conservative factions within its own ranks while also appealing to a broader audience. However, by embracing inclusivity and equality, the church could position itself as a more relevant and forward-thinking institution.

In conclusion, the Russian Orthodox Church faces significant challenges to its global clout. Its close relationship with the government and conservative stance on social issues have led to a decline in its influence abroad. To regain its standing, the church will need to assert its independence, engage with the international community, and adopt a more progressive stance. Only by doing so can the Russian Orthodox Church hope to maintain its relevance and influence in an increasingly interconnected world.

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