Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Residents in North Israel Urgently Seek Shelter Following Golan Strike


The Growing Fear of War with Hezbollah in Northern Israel

The recent rocket strike in the annexed Golan Heights has heightened fears of a war with Hezbollah among residents of northern Israel. The rocket attack, which hit a soccer field in the Druze Arab town of Majdal Shams, resulted in the deaths of 12 youths and left dozens wounded. This incident has shattered the sense of safety that residents once felt in the region.

Amal Al-Shaar, a mother who accompanied her injured son to the Galilee Medical Center in Nahariya, expressed the devastating impact of the war on innocent lives. She stated, “We paid a high price with our children’s lives, we paid with the blood of our hearts for this war.” The hospital has taken precautions to protect its staff and patients from future rocket attacks by relocating certain departments to an underground area.

Since the start of the war in Gaza, Hezbollah, a Lebanese Shiite movement supported by Iran, has been firing rockets at Israel in support of Palestinians and its ally Hamas. These cross-border exchanges of fire have become almost daily, prompting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to promise a “severe response” to the Majdal Shams strike, which was attributed to Hezbollah.

In response to another Israeli civilian being killed by a rocket in the area, the Israeli military launched strikes inside Lebanon, targeting Hezbollah’s infrastructure. Tens of thousands of Israelis living close to the border were evacuated at the beginning of the Gaza conflict, but Nahariya residents chose to remain. As a result, Nahariya has become a new border where the frontline of the conflict lies.

The Galilee Medical Center in Nahariya has become a symbol of resilience and support. Director Massad Barhum made the decision to relocate certain departments underground to protect patients and staff. The hospital is prepared to function for seven days without any contact with the outside world. Small Israeli flags have been hung between departments as a sign of solidarity.

In the neonatal unit, newborns are under high protection. The unit’s director, Vered Fleisher-Shefer, emphasized the sense of safety underground, stating, “We’re safe down here, far from the world.” However, the constant threat of rocket attacks has created a sense of unease among residents.

The nearby town of Maalot, located just 10 kilometers from Lebanon, faces a similar predicament. Residents have only a few seconds to seek shelter when sirens warn of incoming rockets. Florence Touati-Wachsstock, a teacher in Maalot, expressed the fear of living so close to the border, stating, “We’re not even inside the (bomb) shelter when we hear explosions… that’s the scary thing.”

The recent attack in Majdal Shams has further heightened concerns among residents. Many are now reassessing their plans for the future, unsure of when they may need to evacuate. The uncertainty surrounding the situation has left residents on edge, unsure of what each day may bring.

In response to the Majdal Shams attack, Israel carried out a strike on Hezbollah’s stronghold in the suburbs south of Beirut. The army targeted the commander responsible for the attack, but he reportedly survived the strike. This retaliation demonstrates Israel’s determination to protect its citizens and hold those responsible accountable.

As tensions continue to escalate between Israel and Hezbollah, the fear of a full-scale war looms over northern Israel. The rocket attacks and the resulting casualties have shattered the sense of safety that residents once enjoyed. The ongoing conflict has forced residents to live in constant fear and uncertainty, unsure of what the future holds.

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