Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Red Crescent: Israel Did Not Contact About Hind Rajab’s Death, Contrary to State Department Claim | TOME


The Israeli military’s killing of a 6-year-old Palestinian girl, Hind Rajab, and the subsequent deaths of her family members and paramedics sent to save her have raised serious concerns about accountability and transparency. The Palestine Red Crescent Society has revealed that the Israeli military never contacted them regarding the incident, contradicting the State Department’s initial statements.

Lack of Communication and Investigation

According to Red Crescent spokesperson Nebal Farsakh, there has been no investigation or communication from the Israeli military regarding the tragic events that unfolded 148 days ago. Despite claims by Israel that they reached out to the Red Crescent and the United Nations for information, the reality is that no such contact was made.

Independent Investigation Findings

An independent investigation conducted by Forensic Architecture concluded that Israeli fire was likely responsible for the attack on Hind Rajab and her family members. The firm found it implausible that Israeli forces would not have seen the civilians in the car they targeted with 335 bullets. These findings contradict Israel’s claims that there were no tanks in the area at the time of the incident.

State Department’s Response

State Department spokesperson Matt Miller reiterated Israel’s claims without verifying them independently. He stated that the U.S. could not attest to specific details as they were merely conveying information provided by Israel. This lack of verification raises questions about the U.S.’s commitment to ensuring accountability for human rights violations.

Chilling Pleas for Help

Hind Rajab’s final moments, as captured in her calls to the Red Crescent dispatcher, paint a harrowing picture of fear and desperation. Despite her pleas for assistance, Hind and her family members were left stranded until paramedics were dispatched, only to meet a tragic fate themselves.

Ongoing Lack of Transparency

In the months following the incident, the State Department’s responses have been vague and reliant on Israeli claims. The U.S. has repeatedly stated that it is urging Israel to investigate, but concrete actions or updates on the progress of such investigations have been lacking.

Implications for U.S. Aid to Israel

The lack of transparency and accountability surrounding Hind Rajab’s death raises broader questions about U.S. aid to Israel. The U.S. requires assurances from foreign governments that they will not violate international law with American weapons. However, in this case, where Israel likely violated these laws, the U.S. has not taken decisive action.

Moving Forward

As the truth about Hind Rajab’s death continues to be shrouded in uncertainty, it is essential for international bodies and human rights organizations to press for a thorough and independent investigation. The victims deserve justice, and accountability must be upheld to prevent similar tragedies in the future.

In conclusion, the failure of the Israeli military to communicate with the Palestine Red Crescent Society regarding Hind Rajab’s death underscores the urgent need for transparency and accountability in cases of human rights violations. The international community must demand answers and justice for the victims to prevent such tragedies from recurring.

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