Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Raisi funeral procession draws massive crowd in Tehran | TOME


The funeral processions for the late Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his entourage drew tens of thousands of mourners to the streets of Tehran on Wednesday. The tragic helicopter crash that claimed their lives has left the nation in mourning and sparked an outpouring of grief and tributes.

Raisi, who was widely expected to succeed Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, died in a helicopter crash on Sunday while en route to Tabriz. The crash occurred on a foggy mountainside in northern Iran after the group had attended an inauguration ceremony for a dam project near the border with Azerbaijan.

The search and rescue operation that followed involved assistance from Turkey, Russia, and the European Union. The news of Raisi’s death was announced by state television on Monday, sending shockwaves throughout the country.

In Tehran, banners honoring Raisi as “the martyr of service” adorned the city, while residents received messages urging them to attend the funeral processions. The ceremonies, led by Ayatollah Khamenei, began at the University of Tehran and will culminate in Enghelab Square in the city center.

Foreign dignitaries are expected to attend the funeral rites, which started in Tabriz and Qom before moving to Tehran. The bodies will then be transported to South Khorasan province and finally to Raisi’s hometown of Mashhad for burial.

In the wake of Raisi’s passing, Iran has entered a period of national mourning declared by Ayatollah Khamenei. Vice President Mohammad Mokhber has been appointed as caretaker president until the upcoming election on June 28 to choose Raisi’s successor.

The investigation into the cause of the helicopter crash has been ordered by Iran’s armed forces chief of staff, Mohammad Bagheri. The tragic incident has cast a shadow over Raisi’s presidency, which began in 2021 amidst economic challenges and geopolitical tensions.

During his time in office, Raisi faced mass protests, economic turmoil exacerbated by US sanctions, and heightened hostilities with Israel. His death has prompted condolences from global allies like Russia and China, as well as regional powers and organizations such as NATO.

Messages of sympathy have poured in from Iran’s allies in the Middle East, including Syria, Hamas, and Hezbollah. The loss of Raisi has reverberated beyond Iran’s borders, underscoring the impact of his presidency on regional dynamics.

As Iran mourns the passing of President Raisi and his companions, the nation grapples with the legacy of a leader whose tenure was marked by challenges and controversies. The funeral processions serve as a solemn tribute to a figure whose influence extended far beyond Iran’s borders.

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