Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Protests in Southern Syria Escalate as Residents Raid Ruling Party Offices and Block Roads


Title: Protests Intensify in Syria Amidst Economic Crisis: Sweida Province Joins the Uprising


In the midst of a severe economic and financial crisis, Syria is witnessing intensified protests against the ruling Baath party. Sweida province, home to the country’s Druze minority, has joined the uprising, with angry protesters raiding local Baath party offices and blocking a major highway. The deteriorating living conditions and soaring inflation have fueled the demonstrations, which have been triggered by President Bashar Assad’s recent decision to double public sector wages and pensions. This article delves into the reasons behind the protests, the impact of the economic crisis, and the growing demand for political change in Syria.

1. The Catalyst for Protests: Worsening Living Conditions and Inflation

The decision to double public sector wages and pensions by President Bashar Assad has backfired, leading to widespread anger and frustration among the Syrian population. The move, intended to alleviate economic hardships, has instead exacerbated inflation and worsened living conditions. Syrians are struggling to make ends meet as the value of the Syrian pound against the dollar has plummeted to an all-time low. The United Nations estimates that nearly 90% of the population lives in poverty, highlighting the dire economic situation.

2. Sweida Province Joins the Uprising

Sweida province, known for its Druze minority population, has traditionally isolated itself from Syria’s 13-year-long conflict. However, the deteriorating economy and lack of prospects for improvement have pushed its residents to take to the streets. These protests mark the largest demonstrations in Sweida to date, indicating a shift in sentiment towards political change. Rayan Maarouf, Editor-in-Chief of local activist media collective Suwayda24, stated that people no longer believe their lives can improve without political reforms.

3. Economic Crisis and Mismanagement

The economic crisis in Syria is not an isolated event but rather the culmination of years of conflict, corruption, and mismanagement. The country’s economy has been severely impacted by the ongoing war, Western-led sanctions, and allegations of government involvement in war crimes and the illicit narcotics trade. These factors have further deepened the economic woes faced by the Syrian population, leaving them desperate for change.

4. Limited Protests in Government Strongholds

While protests have spread to Sweida province and nearby Daraa province, they have yet to reach government strongholds along the Mediterranean coast, the capital Damascus, and major cities like Aleppo and Homs. The reasons for this limited reach could be attributed to a combination of factors, including government control, fear of reprisals, and the relative stability these areas have experienced compared to other regions.


The intensification of protests in Syria, particularly in Sweida province, highlights the deepening economic crisis and growing discontent among the population. Syrians are grappling with worsening living conditions, soaring inflation, and a devalued currency. The demand for political change is gaining momentum as people no longer believe that their lives can improve without reforms. The Syrian government’s response to these protests remains unknown, but it is clear that the economic crisis has pushed the country to a breaking point. As the situation unfolds, it is crucial for international actors to address the root causes of the crisis and work towards a sustainable solution that brings stability and prosperity to the Syrian people.

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