Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Portugal resists far right: ‘No means no’ | TOME


Portugal’s political landscape has been experiencing a shift in recent years, with the rise of the far-right party Chega posing a challenge to the traditional conservative government. The current minority government, formed by the conservatives without the support of the hard right, is facing increasing pressure as Chega gains popularity in the polls. The question on everyone’s mind is whether this fragile coalition can last in the face of growing right-wing extremism.

The conservative party in Portugal, known as the Social Democratic Party (PSD), has been in power since 2015, albeit with a minority government that relies on the support of smaller parties to pass legislation. This delicate balance has been put to the test with the emergence of Chega, a far-right party led by firebrand leader Andre Ventura. Chega’s anti-immigrant and nationalist rhetoric has struck a chord with a segment of the population disillusioned with mainstream politics.

Despite its controversial platform, Chega has been steadily gaining support in recent years, with polls showing a significant increase in voter intention for the party. This surge in popularity has put pressure on the conservative government, which has had to navigate the delicate balance between maintaining its own principles and appeasing its right-wing allies.

The question of whether Portugal’s conservative government can withstand the rise of Chega is a complex one. On one hand, the conservatives have been able to maintain power through skillful negotiation and compromise with their coalition partners. However, the growing influence of Chega poses a new challenge that may require a different approach.

One of the key factors that will determine the future of Portugal’s government is the upcoming elections. With Chega expected to make significant gains, the conservatives will have to decide whether to form a coalition with the far-right party or risk losing power altogether. This decision will have far-reaching implications for the country’s political landscape and could shape its future for years to come.

Another factor that will play a crucial role in determining the longevity of Portugal’s conservative government is public opinion. As Chega continues to gain support, the conservatives will have to carefully consider how to respond to this new political reality. Ignoring the rise of the far-right could alienate a significant portion of the electorate, while embracing it could lead to a fracturing of the coalition.

In conclusion, Portugal’s conservative government is facing a challenging road ahead as it grapples with the rise of the far-right party Chega. The delicate balance between maintaining power and appeasing right-wing allies will require skillful negotiation and compromise. The upcoming elections will be a crucial test for the government, as it navigates this new political landscape. Only time will tell whether Portugal’s conservatives can withstand the pressure and maintain their grip on power in the face of growing right-wing extremism.

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