Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Israel army implicates Hezbollah in UN peacekeepers’ wounding


The recent blast that wounded UN peacekeepers in Lebanon has been attributed to a Hezbollah explosive charge, according to information obtained by Israel’s military. The incident occurred last week in south Lebanon, an area where Israel and Hezbollah militants frequently engage in cross-border fire.

The UN peacekeeping force reported that three military observers and a translator were injured in the blast. The Israeli army spokesperson, Avichay Adraee, stated that the explosion occurred after a UNIFIL patrol passed over a charge that had been previously placed by Hezbollah in the area. He emphasized that Israel did not strike in the area at the time of the incident.

The military observers who were wounded in the blast hail from Australia, Chile, Norway, and a Lebanese language assistant. They were conducting a patrol near the Blue Line, which serves as the UN-demarcated border between Israel and Lebanon. The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hezbollah has escalated since the attack by Palestinian militant group Hamas on southern Israel in October, leading to increased hostilities in the region.

Lebanon’s National News Agency reported that an Israeli drone was involved in the incident in the Rmeish area of southern Lebanon. The cross-border fire between Israel and Lebanon has resulted in casualties on both sides, with at least 347 people killed in Lebanon, including Hezbollah fighters and civilians. In northern Israel, 10 soldiers and eight civilians have lost their lives due to the conflict, while tens of thousands of people have been displaced in southern Lebanon and northern Israel.

The situation in the region remains volatile, with frequent exchanges of fire and escalating tensions between Israel and Hezbollah. The use of explosive charges by militant groups poses a significant threat to the safety and security of UN peacekeepers and civilians in the area. It is essential for all parties involved to exercise restraint and work towards de-escalating the conflict to prevent further loss of life and displacement of innocent people.

The international community must continue to support efforts aimed at achieving a lasting peace in the region and ensuring the safety of UN peacekeepers who are working tirelessly to maintain stability and security in Lebanon. It is crucial for all parties to abide by international law and respect the sovereignty of neighboring countries to prevent further violence and bloodshed in the region.

As tensions continue to simmer in the Middle East, diplomatic efforts must be intensified to find a peaceful resolution to the conflict and prevent further escalation of hostilities. The safety and well-being of civilians and peacekeepers must be prioritized, and all parties must engage in dialogue to address the root causes of the conflict and work towards a sustainable peace agreement.

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