Friday, October 27, 2023

Pakistan’s Move to Try Khan Supporters Under Army Laws Raises Concerns


Last week, Imran Khan’s arrest in Pakistan prompted protests from supporters of his political party, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI). Akram, a PTI supporter, joined around 80 others in Karachi to demand Khan’s release. However, they were arrested by plain-clothed police officers and taken to a lock-up. The Supreme Court later declared Khan’s arrest illegal, but the crackdown on protesters continued. More than 10 people were killed and thousands were arrested, including many senior PTI leaders. The government and military have singled out Khan for sowing hatred against the army and said those involved in riots will be brought to justice. Relatives of those arrested are too scared to talk about it due to fears of state retaliation and intimidation. International rights organisations and groups within Pakistan have criticised the decision to use military courts to try civilians, arguing that this risks violating their right to due process.

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