Hoops, an adult animated sitcom that premiered on Netflix in 2020, follows the misadventures of a foul-mouthed high school basketball coach named Ben Hopkins as he tries to lead his team to victory. Despite being well-received by audiences, Netflix has cancelled the show after only one season, leaving fans on a cliffhanger.
The show’s first episode aired on August 21, 2020, but it did not perform as well as expected. Critics gave the show mixed reviews, with only 14% of them liking it on Rotten Tomatoes. The main reason for the cancellation was that fewer people watched it than it cost to make.
Hoops was created by Ben Hoffman, who also voiced the character Time Bomb and served as executive producer. Along with Jake Johnson and Seth Cohen, Phil Lord and Chris Miller were also in charge of the project. The studio was called 20th Television, and the animation house was called Bento Box Entertainment.
The show revolves around Ben Hopkins, a basketball coach with a short temper who loses control and says anything whenever he gets angry. He wants a miserable life and thinks he can achieve it with the help of his bad team, which he hopes will make it to the big leagues. His father, Barry, used to own the basketball court and was a great player. His boss, Opal Lowry, is the principal at Lenwood High School, and one of the players on his team is 16-year-old Matty, who is 7 feet tall. Ron is Ben’s best friend and works as an assistant coach at the school. He is dating Shannon, Ben’s ex-wife.
Despite its cancellation, many fans are eagerly awaiting the release of Hoops season 2. When Ron Funches asked some of the cast members what they wanted to see in the second season, they said they would like to see Ben and Ron switch places for a while. They also joked about sleeping with more of Ben’s ex-girlfriends.
In conclusion, Hoops was a funny adult animated show about a basketball team that centred on the characters of Ben Hopkins, Ron, Matty, Opal Lowry, and Shannon. Although it did not perform as well as expected, it still had a dedicated fan base who are disappointed by its cancellation.