Thursday, June 27, 2024

Kenya’s Ruto Rejects Tax Bill: Why?


Deputy President William Ruto of Kenya recently found himself in a difficult position after backtracking on his earlier stance following deadly violence in the country. Analysts believe that Western pressure played a significant role in Ruto’s decision to change course, but the move has also severely damaged his credibility.

The violence erupted in Kenya after the country’s Supreme Court nullified the presidential election results, citing irregularities and illegalities. The decision to annul the results was seen as a victory for democracy and the rule of law, but it also sparked protests and clashes between supporters of different political factions.

Ruto initially took a hardline stance, accusing opposition leader Raila Odinga of inciting violence and calling for tough action against those responsible for the unrest. However, he later softened his tone and called for dialogue and reconciliation, a move that surprised many observers.

Analysts believe that Western pressure played a key role in Ruto’s change of heart. The international community, including the United States and European Union, had been urging Kenyan leaders to find a peaceful solution to the crisis and avoid further bloodshed. Ruto’s decision to backtrack was likely an attempt to appease Western powers and show that he was willing to engage in dialogue.

However, Ruto’s about-face has also had serious consequences for his credibility. The deputy president is seen as a powerful and influential figure in Kenyan politics, and his words carry weight with his supporters. By changing his position so abruptly, Ruto has raised questions about his leadership and integrity.

Some analysts believe that Ruto’s credibility may have been irreparably damaged by his flip-flop on the issue. They argue that his actions have exposed him as a politician who is willing to sacrifice his principles for political expediency, a perception that could harm his chances in future elections.

Ruto’s backtracking has also raised concerns about the stability of Kenya’s political system. The country has a history of election-related violence, and many fear that the current crisis could escalate into a full-blown conflict. Ruto’s wavering stance has only added to the uncertainty and confusion surrounding the situation.

In order to restore his credibility and regain the trust of the Kenyan people, Ruto will need to take concrete steps to address the underlying issues that have led to the current crisis. This will require him to engage in genuine dialogue with all parties involved, including the opposition, civil society groups, and ordinary citizens.

Ruto must also demonstrate a commitment to upholding the rule of law and respecting democratic principles. By showing that he is willing to listen to different perspectives and work towards a peaceful resolution, he can begin to rebuild his reputation and credibility.

Ultimately, Ruto’s backtracking after the deadly violence in Kenya may have been a pragmatic decision driven by external pressure. However, the move has come at a cost to his credibility and reputation. In order to recover from this setback, Ruto will need to show true leadership and demonstrate a genuine commitment to resolving the country’s political crisis. Only time will tell if he is able to rise to the challenge.

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