Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Jordan’s Women’s Empowerment Study for National Economic Roadmap


The Jordanian Government Launches Study on Women’s Empowerment to Drive Economic Growth

AMMAN: The Jordanian government has taken a significant step towards promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment by launching a comprehensive study. The study aims to encourage wider engagement of women in the country’s Economic Modernization Vision 2023-2033, according to Jordan News Agency.

Achieving Economic Growth

The national economic blueprint for Jordan aims to achieve an average real GDP growth rate of 5.6 percent over the next decade. To accomplish this ambitious goal, the government recognizes the importance of empowering women and ensuring their active participation in various sectors of the economy.

Strategizing for Gender Equality

The study, led by Wafa Bani Mustafa, the Minister of Social Development, is based on a theoretical framework of gender equality and female empowerment in macroeconomics. It aims to develop strategies and plans that address key areas such as legislative framework, legal protections, financial inclusion, digital inclusion, structural transformation, education, training, and capacity building.

Promoting Women’s Participation

The study will lay out an executive plan to boost the participation of women in several sectors critical to the country’s economic growth. These sectors include trade, health, education, transportation, logistics, financial services, agriculture, food security, as well as the pharmaceutical and engineering industries.

Legislative Framework and Legal Protections

One of the key aspects of the study is to analyze and improve the legislative framework and legal protections for women in Jordan. By identifying any gaps or barriers that hinder women’s economic participation, the government can introduce necessary reforms to ensure equal opportunities for all.

Financial Inclusion and Digital Inclusion

Ensuring financial inclusion is crucial for empowering women economically. The study will focus on identifying and addressing any obstacles that prevent women from accessing financial services and resources. Additionally, it will explore ways to enhance digital inclusion, enabling women to leverage technology for economic advancement.

Structural Transformation and Capacity Building

The study recognizes the importance of structural transformation in creating an enabling environment for women’s economic empowerment. It will propose strategies to overcome gender biases and stereotypes in workplaces and industries, promoting equal opportunities for career growth and leadership positions. Capacity building initiatives will also be developed to enhance the skills and capabilities of women in various sectors.

Promoting Women in Key Sectors

The executive plan outlined in the study aims to increase women’s participation in key sectors such as trade, health, education, transportation, logistics, financial services, agriculture, food security, pharmaceuticals, and engineering.


The study will explore ways to encourage more women to engage in trade-related activities, including entrepreneurship and international trade. It will identify barriers and provide recommendations to create a supportive environment for women in this sector.

Health and Education:

Efforts will be made to increase women’s representation in the health and education sectors. This includes promoting women’s leadership roles in healthcare institutions and educational organizations.

Transportation and Logistics:

The study will address the challenges faced by women in the transportation and logistics sectors. It will propose measures to enhance their participation in these industries, including training programs and support for women-owned businesses.

Financial Services:

Enhancing women’s access to financial services is crucial for their economic empowerment. The study will identify barriers and develop strategies to promote financial inclusion for women, including access to credit and investment opportunities.

Agriculture and Food Security:

Women play a vital role in the agriculture sector, and the study aims to support their active participation. It will propose initiatives to provide women farmers with better access to resources, training, and markets, ultimately contributing to food security.

Pharmaceutical and Engineering Industries:

The study recognizes the potential for women’s participation in the pharmaceutical and engineering industries. It will identify ways to encourage women to pursue careers in these fields, including scholarships, mentorship programs, and awareness campaigns.


The launch of the comprehensive study on women’s empowerment by the Jordanian government marks a significant milestone in promoting gender equality and driving economic growth. By addressing key areas such as legislative framework, legal protections, financial inclusion, digital inclusion, structural transformation, education, training, and capacity building, the government aims to create an enabling environment for women’s active participation in various sectors. The executive plan outlined in the study will pave the way for increased women’s representation in trade, health, education, transportation, logistics, financial services, agriculture, food security, pharmaceuticals, and engineering industries. Through these efforts, Jordan is taking a crucial step towards achieving its Economic Modernization Vision 2023-2033 and fostering a more inclusive and prosperous society.

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