Saturday, October 28, 2023

“Jordan to Host Pan-Arab Negotiation Team Meeting”


Jordan to Host First Meeting of Arab Technical Team for Negotiating with International Media Companies

AMMAN: Jordan will host the first meeting of an Arab technical team tasked with negotiating with international media companies on Tuesday, Jordan News Agency reported.

The two-day meeting is organized by Jordan’s Ministry of Government Communication.

Laying the Groundwork for a Unified Arab Strategy

The team will lay the groundwork for a unified Arab strategy for dealing with international media firms, as well as an Arab guideline for regulating social media platforms, the operation of digital broadcasting platforms, and digital taxes.

Implementing the Decision of the Council of Arab Ministers of Information

The event implements the decision of the Council of Arab Ministers of Information (Resolution No. 533) during its 53rd session in Morocco.

Jordan to Lead the Team

Jordan will lead the team, which includes representatives from Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Iraq, the Council of Arab Information Ministers, and Arab States Broadcasting Union.

Promoting Arab Content and Defending Arab and Islamic Causes

The Arab strategy aims to promote Arab content and defend Arab and Islamic causes — particularly the Palestinian cause and Islamophobia — from negative propaganda. It also intends to safeguard children from harmful content, combat hate speech, false news, and attacks on privacy, as well as protect the media’s rights in the advertising business, which social media platforms have dominated.

In today’s interconnected world, media plays a crucial role in shaping public opinion and disseminating information. However, with the rise of international media companies and social media platforms, there is a growing concern about the influence they wield and their impact on local cultures and values. To address these concerns, Jordan is taking the lead in convening an Arab technical team to negotiate with international media companies and develop a unified Arab strategy.

The meeting organized by Jordan’s Ministry of Government Communication will bring together representatives from Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Iraq, the Council of Arab Information Ministers, and Arab States Broadcasting Union. Their goal is to lay the groundwork for a unified Arab strategy that will guide the Arab world’s interactions with international media firms.

One of the key objectives of the Arab strategy is to promote Arab content and defend Arab and Islamic causes. This includes addressing negative propaganda and misinformation that may be spread by international media companies. The strategy also aims to combat Islamophobia and protect the Palestinian cause, which are important issues for the Arab world. By developing a unified approach, Arab countries can amplify their voices and counter any negative narratives that may be propagated.

In addition to promoting Arab content, the strategy also focuses on safeguarding children from harmful content and combating hate speech. With the increasing use of social media platforms, there is a need to protect vulnerable individuals, especially children, from exposure to inappropriate or harmful content. The strategy will outline guidelines for regulating social media platforms and ensuring that they adhere to certain standards of safety and responsibility.

Furthermore, the strategy aims to protect the media’s rights in the advertising business. Social media platforms have dominated the advertising industry in recent years, posing a challenge to traditional media outlets. The Arab strategy will seek to address this imbalance and ensure that media outlets have fair opportunities to generate revenue through advertising.

The meeting will also discuss the operation of digital broadcasting platforms and digital taxes. As technology continues to evolve, it is important for Arab countries to adapt their regulations and policies accordingly. By developing a unified guideline for digital broadcasting platforms and digital taxes, Arab countries can ensure a level playing field and create an environment that supports innovation and growth in the digital media sector.

Overall, the first meeting of the Arab technical team marks an important step in shaping the future of media in the Arab world. By working together and developing a unified strategy, Arab countries can assert their influence and protect their interests in an increasingly globalized media landscape. The outcomes of this meeting will lay the foundation for future negotiations with international media companies and set the stage for a more balanced and equitable media environment in the Arab world.

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