Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Jordan hosts regional project to improve nuclear emergency response | TOME


The Jordan Atomic Energy Commission, in collaboration with the International Atomic Energy Agency, recently hosted the inaugural meeting of a regional initiative aimed at enhancing preparedness for nuclear emergencies in Arab countries. The project, titled “Strengthening and Harmonizing Regional Arab Cooperation and Coordination in Emergency Preparedness and Response,” brings together representatives from 27 countries to standardize practices and improve crisis response efficiency.

The meeting, which included officials from Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, and Yemen, as well as representatives from the IAEA, the Arab League, and the Arab Atomic Energy Agency, marks the beginning of a five-day event focused on reviewing the project’s work plan and implementation methods. The ultimate goal is to establish a regional road map for enhancing national and regional capabilities in managing nuclear and radiological emergencies.

Khaled Toukan, the chairperson of JAEC, commended the IAEA for organizing the meeting and emphasized the importance of sharing ideas, experiences, and best practices in improving emergency preparedness and responses across Arab countries. He highlighted the significance of the Arab road map and its action plan in fostering regional cooperation with the support of international organizations like the IAEA and the AAEA.

Iman bin Tahami, a project management officer at the IAEA’s Technical Cooperation Department, outlined the 2024-2027 work plan for the project during the opening day of the meeting. The plan focuses on implementing strategies to enhance emergency preparedness and response capabilities in the region.

Mazna Assi, a specialist in nuclear and radiological emergency preparedness at the IAEA’s Incident and Emergency Center, highlighted the importance of the Arab road map in establishing an effective regional program for emergency preparedness and response. Developed at the recommendation of IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi, the road map serves as a framework for coordinating efforts and resources to address nuclear emergencies in Arab countries.

The regional initiative aims to harmonize practices and standardize procedures for responding to nuclear emergencies, ensuring a coordinated and efficient approach across participating countries. By enhancing cooperation and sharing best practices, Arab nations can strengthen their collective ability to manage crises effectively.

The meeting serves as a platform for exchanging knowledge and experiences among participating countries, fostering collaboration and mutual support in emergency preparedness and response efforts. Through joint activities and shared resources, Arab countries can build a more resilient and coordinated system for addressing nuclear emergencies.

As the project progresses, stakeholders will continue to work together to implement the Arab road map and enhance regional capabilities for managing nuclear and radiological emergencies. By fostering cooperation and coordination among Arab countries, the initiative seeks to create a more robust and effective system for responding to crises in the region.

In conclusion, the regional initiative led by the Jordan Atomic Energy Commission and the International Atomic Energy Agency represents a significant step towards improving emergency preparedness and response capabilities in Arab countries. By working together to standardize practices and enhance coordination, participating nations can strengthen their ability to manage nuclear emergencies and protect their populations in times of crisis.

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