Saturday, June 22, 2024

Israeli women buying guns after October 7 | TOME


The Rise of Gun Ownership Among Israeli Women

In the wake of Hamas’s unprecedented attack on October 7, many Israelis have been grappling with a heightened sense of insecurity. This has led to a significant increase in the number of women applying for gun permits in Israel. While some see this surge as a necessary means of self-defense, others have criticized it as a dangerous escalation in an already volatile situation.

The Numbers Speak for Themselves

According to security ministry data, there have been 42,000 applications by women for gun permits since the attack, with 18,000 approved. This marks a significant increase from the number of pre-war licenses held by women. The loosening of gun laws under Israel’s right-wing government and its far-right security minister Itamar Ben Gvir has made this surge possible. More than 15,000 women civilians now own a firearm in Israel and the occupied West Bank, with 10,000 enrolled in mandatory training.

A Shift in Attitudes

For many women, the decision to apply for a gun permit was not one they had ever considered before. However, the events of October 7 changed their perspective. Political science professor Limor Gonen, who attended a weapons handling class at a shooting range in the West Bank settlement of Ariel, expressed her newfound sense of vulnerability and the need to protect herself. This sentiment was echoed by many others who felt that they could no longer rely solely on the authorities for their safety.

Criticism and Concerns

While the immediate trigger for the surge in gun buying was the Hamas attack, concerns have been raised about the implications of arming civilians. The Gun Free Kitchen Tables Coalition, an Israeli initiative founded by feminist activists, has condemned the civilian arms race as a dangerous strategy that could lead to an increase in violence and murder against women. They argue that individual safety should be the responsibility of the state, rather than placing deadly weapons in the hands of ordinary citizens.

Personal Stories of Empowerment

Despite the criticisms, many women who have obtained gun permits feel a sense of empowerment and security. Community manager Yahel Reznik shared that she now feels much safer in Ariel thanks to her training. Similarly, Corine Nissim, an English teacher from Netanya, walks her children to the park with a gun tucked into her trousers, citing the need to protect her family in an uncertain world.

Looking Ahead

The surge in gun ownership among Israeli women reflects a broader trend of rising violence and tensions in the region. As attacks continue to escalate on both sides, many civilians feel the need to take their safety into their own hands. While some see this as a necessary precaution, others warn of the dangers of further arming the population.

In conclusion, the rise of gun ownership among Israeli women is a complex issue that reflects the deep-seated fears and insecurities that many are currently facing. As the situation continues to evolve, it is essential to consider the implications of widespread civilian arms ownership and work towards finding peaceful solutions to the underlying conflicts.

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