Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Israel Stifles Palestinian Development in West Bank | TOME


Israel’s Motive to Prevent Development in Occupied Territories: Experts Weigh In

The Israeli government’s efforts to prevent development in the occupied territories have long been a subject of controversy. While Israel argues that these measures are necessary for security reasons, experts believe that the underlying motive is to hinder Palestinian self-determination.

The occupied territories, including the West Bank and East Jerusalem, have been a point of contention between Israel and Palestine for decades. Israel captured these territories during the 1967 Six-Day War and has since established settlements, which are considered illegal under international law.

One of the ways Israel has impeded development in the occupied territories is through strict control over land permits and planning regulations. Palestinians living in these areas face significant challenges when it comes to obtaining permits for building homes or establishing businesses. This has resulted in a severe housing shortage and limited economic opportunities for Palestinians.

Experts argue that Israel’s motive behind these restrictions is to maintain control over the occupied territories and prevent the establishment of a viable Palestinian state. By limiting development, Israel can effectively hinder Palestinian self-determination and maintain its dominance in the region.

Furthermore, Israel’s settlement expansion in the occupied territories has also contributed to the prevention of development. The Israeli government has actively encouraged Jewish settlers to move into these areas, providing them with financial incentives and infrastructure support. This has resulted in the displacement of Palestinians and further restricted their ability to develop their own communities.

The international community has repeatedly condemned Israel’s settlement activities, viewing them as a major obstacle to peace. The United Nations Security Council has passed several resolutions calling for an end to settlement expansion, citing its illegality under international law.

In addition to land restrictions and settlement expansion, Israel’s control over natural resources in the occupied territories has also hindered development. The Israeli government maintains strict control over water resources, limiting access for Palestinians and impeding agricultural development. This has had a detrimental impact on the Palestinian economy and further deepened the socio-economic divide between Israelis and Palestinians.

Experts argue that Israel’s actions in the occupied territories are not solely motivated by security concerns, as the Israeli government often claims. Instead, they believe that Israel’s primary objective is to maintain its control and dominance over the region, effectively preventing Palestinian self-determination.

The international community has called for a two-state solution, with Israel and Palestine living side by side in peace. However, Israel’s actions in the occupied territories have made this vision increasingly difficult to achieve. The continued expansion of settlements and restrictions on development have created significant obstacles to the establishment of a viable Palestinian state.

Efforts to prevent development in the occupied territories have also drawn criticism from human rights organizations. They argue that Israel’s policies violate the rights of Palestinians and contribute to the ongoing cycle of violence and instability in the region.

In conclusion, experts believe that Israel’s motive to prevent development in the occupied territories is rooted in its desire to hinder Palestinian self-determination. Through strict control over land permits, settlement expansion, and control over natural resources, Israel effectively maintains its dominance over the region. These actions have not only impeded the establishment of a viable Palestinian state but have also violated the rights of Palestinians. As the international community continues to advocate for a two-state solution, addressing these obstacles to development will be crucial for achieving lasting peace in the region.

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