Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Israel Cuts All Contact with Gaza, Returns Laborers: Government


Israel to Return Gazans Working Inside the Country

Israel has announced that it will be returning Gazans working inside the country back to the besieged Palestinian territory. This decision comes almost four weeks after Israel began striking Hamas targets in response to a deadly cross-border attack.

Severing Contact with Gaza

The Israeli security cabinet made the announcement late Thursday, stating that Israel will be severing all contact with Gaza. As a result, there will be no more Palestinian workers from Gaza allowed into Israel. The statement also mentioned that those workers from Gaza who were in Israel on the day the war broke out will be returned to Gaza. However, the exact number of people being sent back was not specified.

Work Permits for Gazans

Before the conflict between Israel and Hamas started, Israel had issued work permits to approximately 18,500 Gazans. These permits allowed them to work inside Israel. However, it is unclear how many Gazans were working in Israel at the time of the attack on October 7, when Hamas militants stormed across the border and killed at least 1,400 people, according to Israeli officials.

Relentless Bombing Campaign

Following the attack, Israel launched a relentless bombing campaign on the Hamas-controlled territory. The campaign has resulted in the deaths of more than 9,000 people, primarily civilians, according to the territory’s Hamas-run health ministry.

The Impact on Gaza’s Economy

The decision to return Gazans working in Israel back to Gaza will have a significant impact on the economy of the Palestinian territory. Many Gazans rely on work in Israel to support their families and provide for their basic needs. With the loss of these jobs, the already struggling economy of Gaza will face further challenges.

The Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas has created a humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The territory has been under a blockade for years, severely limiting access to essential goods and services. The bombing campaign has further exacerbated the situation, destroying critical infrastructure and displacing thousands of people.

Calls for International Intervention

The international community has called for an end to the violence and a peaceful resolution to the conflict. Humanitarian organizations have urged Israel to lift the blockade on Gaza and allow for the free movement of goods and people. They have also called on Hamas to cease its attacks on Israel.

The Need for a Political Solution

While the return of Gazans working in Israel may provide some relief to the strained relationship between the two sides, a long-term solution to the conflict is still needed. The underlying issues, including the blockade, the lack of economic opportunities, and the political divide, must be addressed in order to achieve lasting peace.


Israel’s decision to return Gazans working inside the country back to Gaza is a significant development in the ongoing conflict with Hamas. The impact on Gaza’s economy and the humanitarian crisis in the territory cannot be ignored. It is crucial for the international community to continue working towards a political solution that addresses the root causes of the conflict and ensures a better future for both Israelis and Palestinians.

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