Monday, May 27, 2024

Iran’s Uranium Stockpile Grows, Talks Stall, IAEA Reports


Iran’s Uranium Enrichment Raises Concerns Amid Stalled Talks with UN Nuclear Watchdog

The latest reports from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have raised concerns about Iran’s uranium enrichment activities, indicating that the country is steadily approaching weapons-grade levels. The reports also highlight the challenges faced by the IAEA in its efforts to improve cooperation with Iran, as discussions have stalled in recent months.

Stalled Cooperation Efforts

According to the confidential reports seen by Reuters, the IAEA has encountered difficulties in Iran, with only a small fraction of the commitments made in a “Joint Statement” on cooperation being implemented. The lack of progress in the past year has been a cause for concern, especially as follow-up talks aimed at improving cooperation and monitoring have been put on hold following the tragic death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash.

IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi has expressed his willingness to continue the dialogue with Iran and resume technical exchanges, but progress has been slow. The outstanding safeguards issues related to uranium particles found at undeclared sites remain unresolved, with Iran failing to provide satisfactory explanations.

Growing Stockpile of Enriched Uranium

One of the reports revealed that Iran’s stockpile of uranium enriched to up to 60 percent purity, close to weapons-grade levels, has increased significantly over the past quarter. As of May 11, Iran had 142.1 kg of uranium enriched to 60 percent purity, with enough material for three theoretical nuclear weapons if further enriched. The country has also accumulated more material at lower enrichment levels.

Western powers have expressed concerns about Iran’s enrichment activities, questioning the need for such high levels of enrichment for peaceful purposes. In contrast, Iran maintains that its nuclear program is intended for peaceful purposes only.

Potential Resolution at Board Meeting

France and Britain are reportedly pushing for a new resolution at the upcoming IAEA Board meeting, calling for urgent cooperation from Iran to address the unresolved issues. However, the United States has not yet supported this resolution, as Iran has historically reacted negatively to such measures by taking counterproductive nuclear-related steps.

The lack of progress in addressing the outstanding safeguards issues and the growing stockpile of enriched uranium have raised concerns among the international community. The IAEA continues to urge Iran to cooperate fully and provide transparent explanations for its nuclear activities to ensure compliance with international agreements.


The recent reports from the IAEA highlight the ongoing challenges in addressing Iran’s uranium enrichment activities and improving cooperation with the UN nuclear watchdog. The stalled discussions and lack of progress in resolving outstanding issues underscore the need for renewed efforts to ensure transparency and compliance with international nuclear agreements. As tensions escalate, it is crucial for all parties involved to engage in constructive dialogue and work towards a peaceful resolution that upholds global non-proliferation efforts.

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