Monday, May 20, 2024

Iran’s Future After Raisi’s Death | TOME


The recent death of Iran’s President has left many wondering about the future of the country’s leadership. Resul Serdar, a correspondent for Al Jazeera, sheds light on who is currently in office and what steps will be taken next.

As per Serdar, following the death of the President, the Speaker of the Parliament, Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, has assumed the role of acting President. Ghalibaf, a conservative politician and former mayor of Tehran, is now tasked with leading the country until a new President is elected.

The Iranian Constitution mandates that a new President must be elected within 60 days of the death or impeachment of the sitting President. During this period, the Guardian Council, a powerful body responsible for vetting candidates for public office, will oversee the election process.

Serdar explains that the Guardian Council will review potential candidates to ensure they meet the necessary criteria for running for President. This includes being a Shia Muslim, having a commitment to the principles of the Islamic Republic, and having a good reputation.

Once candidates are approved by the Guardian Council, campaigning will begin in earnest. Candidates will have the opportunity to present their platforms to the Iranian people and participate in debates to showcase their policies and vision for the country.

On election day, Iranian citizens will head to the polls to cast their votes for their preferred candidate. The candidate who receives the majority of votes will be declared the winner and will assume the role of President.

Serdar notes that the upcoming election is crucial for Iran, as it comes at a time of significant challenges for the country. Iran is facing economic hardships due to sanctions imposed by the United States and other countries, as well as ongoing tensions with regional and international powers.

The new President will need to address these challenges and work towards improving the country’s economy, strengthening its international relations, and addressing domestic issues such as unemployment and inflation.

Serdar emphasizes that the election will also have implications for Iran’s foreign policy. The new President will play a key role in shaping Iran’s relations with other countries, particularly with regards to nuclear negotiations and regional conflicts.

As Iran prepares for the upcoming election, Serdar highlights the importance of a peaceful and transparent process. He calls on all candidates to conduct themselves with integrity and respect for democratic principles, and for Iranian citizens to participate in the election process to ensure their voices are heard.

In conclusion, Serdar’s insights provide valuable information on Iran’s current political situation and the upcoming election. As Iran navigates this period of transition, all eyes will be on the country to see how it moves forward under new leadership.

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