Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Iran Warned Before Attacking Israel, US Disputes Claim


The recent drone and missile attack launched by Iran on Israel has sparked tensions in the region, with conflicting reports emerging about whether neighboring countries and the United States were given advance notice. The attack, which was in retaliation for a suspected Israeli strike on Iran’s embassy compound in Syria, raised concerns about further escalation and potential casualties.

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian claimed that Iran had provided 72 hours’ notice to neighboring countries and the United States before launching the strikes. However, US officials denied receiving any such warning and stated that Iran’s intent was to cause significant damage with the attack.

According to Turkish officials, Iran had communicated with both Washington and Ankara before the attack, reassuring them that the response would be limited to Israel’s actions in Damascus. A Turkish diplomatic source mentioned that they were aware of the possibilities and that the developments were not a surprise.

On the other hand, a senior official in the Biden administration refuted Iran’s claims of providing advance notice, stating that the US only received a message from Iran through Swiss intermediaries after the strikes had begun. The official emphasized that Iran’s goal was to inflict widespread destruction, despite Tehran’s assertions of issuing warnings to potential targets.

Iraqi, Turkish, and Jordanian officials confirmed that Iran had indeed given early warning of the attack, with some details shared in advance. The use of drones, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles in the attack raised concerns about potential casualties and the escalation of the conflict.

Two Iraqi sources revealed that Iran had informed Baghdad about the attack through diplomatic channels at least three days before it occurred. The timing of the attack was disclosed shortly before it took place, allowing Iraqi authorities to close their airspace and prevent any fatal accidents. Additionally, a senior Jordanian official disclosed that Iran had briefed Arab envoys in Tehran about their intentions to carry out an attack, although the exact timing was not specified.

Despite assurances from the United States to Israel that they would not join any retaliatory actions, Israeli minister Benny Gantz stated that Israel would “exact the price from Iran” in a manner and timing that suited them. The ongoing tensions in the region highlight the delicate balance of power and the potential for further escalation if diplomatic channels are not utilized effectively.

As the situation continues to unfold, it is crucial for all parties involved to exercise restraint and prioritize dialogue to prevent further violence and instability in the region. The conflicting reports about advance warnings highlight the need for transparent communication and de-escalation efforts to avoid a full-blown conflict with devastating consequences for all involved parties.

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