Monday, July 1, 2024

Iran, Syria, North Korea accused of supporting Hamas attack on Israel | TOME


Victims of Hamas Attack on Israel Sue Iran, Syria, and North Korea

In the aftermath of Hamas’ attack on Israel on October 7, victims have taken legal action by suing Iran, Syria, and North Korea. The lawsuit, filed in federal court in New York, seeks at least $4 billion in damages for the support these countries allegedly provided to the militants. The United States has designated Iran, Syria, and North Korea as state sponsors of terrorism, with Hamas being labeled as a specially designated global terrorist.

The lawsuit accuses Iran, Syria, and North Korea of supplying Hamas with money, weapons, and expertise required to carry out the assault. While there is no specific evidence that these countries knew about the attack in advance, the complaint draws on previous court findings, government reports, and statements by officials over the years about their connections. It also points to indications that North Korean weapons were used in the attack.

Iran has denied prior knowledge of the October 7 attack but has supported Hamas as a counter to Israel, its regional archenemy. The ongoing conflict between Iran and Israel escalated after an apparent Israeli attack on Iran’s embassy complex in Damascus during the Israel-Hamas war. Syria, supported by Iran, has also publicly backed Hamas following the attack.

North Korea denies arming Hamas, but evidence suggests that Hamas fighters used North Korean weapons during the assault. The lawsuit specifically mentions the use of the F-7 rocket-propelled grenade as a sign of Pyongyang’s involvement. The plaintiffs in the case include over 125 individuals, including estates and relatives of those killed or injured during the attack.

Under US law, foreign governments can be held accountable for acts of terrorism or providing support for them. The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act allows American plaintiffs to seek justice against foreign governments in cases like these. In a similar case in 2018, a federal judge ordered North Korea to pay $500 million in a wrongful death suit filed by the parents of Otto Warmbier.

This lawsuit adds to a growing list of legal actions related to the Israel-Hamas conflict in US courts. Last week, Israelis affected by the attack sued the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), alleging that the agency indirectly financed Hamas by paying its employees in US dollars, which were then exchanged for local currency in Gaza, with a portion allegedly going to Hamas.

The victims of the October 7 attack are seeking justice and compensation for the losses they have suffered. By holding Iran, Syria, and North Korea accountable for their alleged support of terrorism, they aim to create a record of what occurred and ensure that those responsible are held responsible for their actions. This lawsuit sheds light on the complex web of relationships and conflicts that continue to shape the Middle East region.

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