Thursday, July 25, 2024

Iran criticizes US for hosting Israeli PM Netanyahu | TOME


Iran Condemns US for Welcoming Israeli Prime Minister Amidst Gaza War

The ongoing conflict in Gaza has sparked international outrage, with Iran being the latest country to denounce the United States for welcoming Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu amidst the deadly war. Iran’s foreign ministry spokesman, Nasser Kanani, criticized the US government and Congress for applauding Netanyahu, whom he referred to as the “Tel Aviv butcher.”

The Gaza war, which has been raging for almost 10 months, has resulted in the deaths of numerous Palestinian children. Kanani expressed his dismay at the US government’s support for Netanyahu, stating, “Palestinian children are slaughtered every day by the Tel Aviv butcher, and in the face of all these crimes, the American government and Congress are welcoming this executioner with applause.”

Netanyahu addressed the US Congress on Wednesday, calling for an alliance against what he described as an Iranian “axis of terror.” He claimed that Tehran is behind almost all sectarian killings in the Middle East. The Israeli Prime Minister urged the United States and Israel to form a security alliance to counter the growing Iranian threat.

The Gaza war began on October 7 when the Palestinian militant group Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel. According to Israeli figures, the attack resulted in the deaths of 1,197 people, mostly civilians. Out of the 251 people taken hostage that day, 111 are still being held inside the Gaza Strip, with 39 believed to be dead.

The health ministry of Hamas-run Gaza has reported that more than 39,100 Palestinians have been killed in Israel’s military campaign in the Gaza Strip since the war began. It is important to note that Iran had previously praised the October 7 attack but denied any involvement in it.

The condemnation from Iran highlights the deepening divide between the United States and Iran over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Iran has been a vocal supporter of the Palestinian cause and has repeatedly criticized Israel’s actions in Gaza. The United States, on the other hand, has been a staunch ally of Israel and has provided significant military and financial support to the country.

The conflict in Gaza has drawn international attention and condemnation, with numerous countries calling for an immediate ceasefire and a peaceful resolution to the conflict. However, the situation remains volatile, with both sides continuing to engage in hostilities.

The United States’ decision to welcome Netanyahu amidst the ongoing war has further strained its relationship with Iran. The Iranian government has accused the United States of turning a blind eye to the suffering of the Palestinian people and supporting Israeli aggression.

The conflict in Gaza has had devastating consequences for the civilian population, with thousands of lives lost and infrastructure destroyed. The international community must continue to exert pressure on both Israel and Hamas to end the violence and work towards a lasting peace.

As the conflict in Gaza continues, it is crucial for world leaders to prioritize the protection of innocent lives and work towards a peaceful resolution. The United States, as a global superpower, has a responsibility to promote peace and stability in the region. By welcoming Netanyahu amidst the ongoing war, the United States risks further alienating itself from countries like Iran and undermining its credibility as a mediator in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

In conclusion, Iran’s condemnation of the United States for welcoming Netanyahu amidst the Gaza war highlights the deepening divide between the two countries over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The ongoing conflict in Gaza has resulted in the deaths of numerous Palestinian civilians, leading to international outrage and calls for an immediate ceasefire. The United States’ decision to support Israel amidst the war has strained its relationship with Iran and raised concerns about its role as a mediator in the conflict. The international community must continue to work towards a peaceful resolution and prioritize the protection of innocent lives in Gaza.

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