Saturday, July 6, 2024

Hamas accepts US proposal for talks on Israeli hostages 16 days after first phase, source says


Hamas Accepts US Proposal to Begin Talks on Releasing Israeli Hostages

In a significant development, Hamas has accepted a US proposal to initiate talks on releasing Israeli hostages, including soldiers and civilians. This move comes 16 days after the first phase of an agreement aimed at bringing an end to the Gaza war. A senior Hamas source revealed this information to Reuters on Saturday.

Change in Hamas’ Stance

The militant group has made a crucial shift by dropping its demand for Israel to commit to a permanent ceasefire before signing the agreement. Instead, Hamas is now willing to engage in negotiations throughout the six-week first phase to work towards achieving a lasting ceasefire. This change in stance opens up new possibilities for progress in the peace process.

Potential Framework Agreement

A Palestinian official involved in the internationally mediated peace efforts stated that the US proposal could pave the way for a framework agreement if embraced by Israel. Such an agreement has the potential to bring an end to the nine-month-old conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. This development marks a significant step forward in the efforts to resolve the long-standing conflict.

Optimism for Agreement

A source within Israel’s negotiating team, speaking anonymously, expressed optimism about the prospect of reaching an agreement. This positive outlook contrasts with previous instances during the nine-month war in Gaza when Israel deemed Hamas’ conditions as unacceptable. The current willingness of both parties to engage in constructive dialogue raises hopes for a breakthrough in the negotiations.

Intensified Diplomatic Efforts

Efforts to secure a ceasefire and facilitate the release of hostages in Gaza have intensified in recent days. Active shuttle diplomacy involving Washington, Israel, and Qatar has been underway, with Qatar leading the mediation efforts from Doha, where the exiled Hamas leadership is based. The involvement of key regional players underscores the importance attached to resolving the conflict.

US Administration’s Role

A regional source revealed that the US administration is exerting significant efforts to secure a deal before the upcoming presidential election in November. The urgency to reach a resolution highlights the commitment of all parties involved to bring about a peaceful resolution to the conflict. The active involvement of international mediators underscores the importance of external support in facilitating dialogue and negotiation.

Next Steps

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office has indicated that talks will continue next week, emphasizing that there are still gaps between the two sides that need to be addressed. The ongoing negotiations and willingness of both parties to engage in dialogue offer hope for a positive outcome in the coming weeks.

In conclusion, Hamas’ acceptance of the US proposal to begin talks on releasing Israeli hostages marks a significant development in the efforts to bring an end to the Gaza war. The shift in Hamas’ stance and the optimism expressed by both parties signal a potential breakthrough in the negotiations. With continued diplomatic efforts and international support, there is hope for a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Gaza.

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