Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Egypt warns of Israeli escalation consequences in Gaza


Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry Warns of Consequences of Israel’s Actions in Gaza

In a recent meeting with his Jordanian and Iraqi counterparts, Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry expressed grave concerns over the escalating activities of Israel in the Gaza Strip. The discussions, which took place in Manama on the sidelines of an Arabian foreign ministers’ meeting, highlighted the potential negative repercussions for the security and stability of the entire region.

Shoukry emphasized Egypt’s efforts to achieve an immediate, comprehensive, and lasting ceasefire in Gaza, as well as the urgent need for allowing the delivery of humanitarian aid to the affected population. He made it clear that Egypt categorically rejects any attempts to displace Gazans or undermine the Palestinian cause.

During the meeting, Shoukry stressed the importance of halting the targeting of civilians, ending Israeli settler violence, and ensuring access to humanitarian aid in quantities that adequately meet the needs of the Palestinian people. He reiterated Egypt’s unwavering support for the stability of Iraq and Jordan and emphasized the significance of enhancing cooperation within the framework of the tripartite mechanism established between the three countries.

The Foreign Minister highlighted the role of tripartite cooperation in aligning the interests of Egypt, Jordan, and Iraq to maximize mutual benefits. The discussions also focused on the swift implementation of joint projects agreed upon by the three nations to further strengthen their collaboration.

In a separate meeting with Iraqi Minister Fuad Hussein, Shoukry reiterated President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi’s directives to enhance relations between Egypt and Iraq across various sectors. Minister Hussein acknowledged the deep historical ties between Iraq and Egypt, underscoring the need for continued coordination on addressing the challenges facing the region. He also commended Egypt for its pivotal role in facilitating efforts to resolve the crisis in Gaza.

The discussions among the foreign ministers underscored the shared commitment to promoting peace, stability, and prosperity in the region. The tripartite cooperation between Egypt, Jordan, and Iraq serves as a strategic platform for advancing common interests and addressing regional challenges collectively.

As tensions escalate in Gaza and the broader Middle East region, diplomatic efforts and multilateral cooperation are essential to de-escalate conflicts and prevent further humanitarian crises. Egypt’s proactive engagement with its regional partners demonstrates its commitment to fostering peace and security in the region.

In conclusion, Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry’s warnings about the consequences of Israel’s actions in Gaza highlight the urgent need for concerted international efforts to address the escalating crisis. By prioritizing dialogue, cooperation, and humanitarian assistance, countries in the region can work together to mitigate conflicts and promote lasting peace for all.

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